Thursday 1 January 2015

Happy New Year! | Believe In Beauty

Hey!:) feels weird writing a blog post. I haven't been on my blog since October, and with November and December being empty of blog posts, I feel very bad. November was a very busy month and I literally had no time to post or was too tired to post. December I had the flu for 1-2 weeks and had no energy to post then and when it was getting nearer Christmas I just thought why not come back in the new year, feeling refreshed and ready to write again, because let me tell you I have missed doing this! 

First of all, I'd like to wish everyone a very happy new year and that I hope you had a great 2014 but have an even better 2015. I will be doing my yearly highlights post of what I got up to this year very soon so hold on for that! 
Whilst we're here, I thought I would tell you my news years resolutions:

1. Get back into a better skin care routine: Exfoliating, moisturising, cleansing, spot treatments the lot. I need to get rid of these bad spots! 

2. Blog more: I've decided to just do one post a week at the moment, because I think it's manageable and this will be up on a Sunday. 

3. Be healthier: I need to drink more water, eat healthier (no eating unnecessary Chocolate, or maybe have fruit if I am actually hungry) and exercise more to get rid of spots.

4. Focus on school work: It's my GCSE's this year (help :() so I need to get revising as soon as really, and prioritise this but have time to watch YouTube videos as well. 

5. Go to bed earlier: If I'm having more sleep, I'll feel better and be more focused to work!

I think 5 is a good amount and I'll just see how I get on! That's it for now but join me on Sunday where I will be showing you what I got for Christmas! 


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