Sunday 27 January 2013

OOTD! | Believe In Beauty


As I said in my last post, today's post is going to be an OOTD because on Friday I went to watch a Pantomime and I thought I would just show you my outfit! It's nothing special, and sorry I didn't take picture's of nail, accessories and stuff, I was in a rush!

For my top I'm just wearing a white shirt/blouse thing, with a gorgeous collar, with really nice detail on it. This is from Topshop and I'm not sure how much it was sorry! 

I wore the top tucked into some Indigo High Wasted shorts, from Topshop. I think these were £32. Also with some tights! You can also kind of see my nails, but I wore my Grey Shimmery Maybelline colour that was featured in my last blog post on my favourite Winter nail polishes! 

This is the whole outfit! Also got a lovely dog toy on the floor ;) For my shoes I just wore some Tramp boots from M & Co. Had my hair down as you can see!

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this quick OOTD post, let me know if you want more of these! 

Byeeeeee :) 

Thursday 24 January 2013

My Favourite Winter Nail Polishes! | Believe In Beauty

Hi guys!

I was really stuck for Blog ideas and I asked (meg) vintagelovehearts and she said Favourite Winter nail polishes, I don't have many as I kind of like to stick to the same few in Winter, but in February some time there will be a post on my favourite Spring Nail Polishes as Spring is soon coming and I've took the picture's all ready so I'm very prepared! I  would also like to apologize for the rubbish photo's I have taken, try holding a torch, a camera and trying to take the's not easy!

The first one is a really nice colour from Barry M. It's a gorgeous dark pink and looks so lovely on the nails! I really like wearing this in the Winter because it's a dark colour for Winter but also you can glam it up with some sparkle and it still looks nice! This doesn't actually have a name as I got it in a Impulse Gift set last Christmas so sorry! 

Seeing as I was just talking about Glitter I thought I would also show you my favourite Glitter polishes. The first one is from Nails Inc. and called 'Glamour Glitter'. I got this on a Glamour magazine for £2! What a bargain. It's nice if you just want a subtle glitter on your nails. So really like this! I put this on over the top of lots of other nail polishes as I think glitter on the nails is just so pretty!

My other favourite Glitter is one from Colour Trend which I believe Colour Trend is Avon? This glitter is more if you want to go all out with your Nails, to make them really bold and stand out. It's good for parties and special occasions or just if your nails are feeling a bit drab and need lightning up. 

Another colour I love is this Dark Green from No7. Again it was in a pack so I'm not sure of the name, sorry! It's a good dark wintery shade and looks gorgeous on the nails with a subtle amount of glitter. I wore this on Christmas day and got many compliments! I like the effect of having a dark colour but the glitter making it seem more light and bright. 

The next one is from Maybelline and is a beautiful grey shimmery colour. It's perfect for parties and also good because it's quite a wintery colour but also got a glittery shimmer so it's kind of like a 2 in 1, if you're like me and love glitter nails! Love this! 

The last one is from Nails Inc. and I think it's called Little Miss Naughty. Love, love, love this!! It's such a pretty purple colour and perfect for Winter, but is good for Summer as well. So you can use it all year round! I really like the coverage of this and it stays on for a good amount of time. Also looks lovely with Glitter!

That is all my favourite Winter Nail Polishes, I think I have talked about Glitter way to much in this post! Thanks for reading and my next post is going to be an OOTD! YAY! 


Friday 18 January 2013

Origins 'Super Spot Remover' Review! | Believe In Beauty

Hi guys!

Just a quick post today! Today I'd thought I'd do a review on the Origins 'Super Spot Remover' as I did quite enjoy it! There is the link on the Boots website, unfortunately it is pretty pricey! It's £12.00 for quite a small bottle but it does last for a very long time, I've had mine since September (2012) and use it regularly and I'm not even half way through, it's like a pot of magic...haha. 

I don't want to do too long of a review because sometimes I can make them a bit boring, so I will get straight to the point. 

I brought this because Zoella recommended it and she loved it so I trusted her and she was 100% right! I always pop this on bad spots and apply 2-3 times a day. Firstly it will crust them over (gross I know) and then the next couple of days they are gone! It's like magic. It really helps blemishes as well because before using this I got a blemish and it stayed for weeks, now using this for blemishes, just once a day, it's gone within a week! It's so brilliant. I can definitely see why it's pricey, but it never hurts to treat yourself! ;) 

The only thing I would say is to not over use it! I kept using it too much, mainly for spots that would go in a day by itself, (know the ones I'm talking about, the pimply ones?!) and I think I got immune to it because when I used it for spots I needed it for, it didn't work as well, it still got rid of them, but just took longer. I stopped using it for a couple of weeks and then used it again and it was back working normally!

So, generally really happy with this product. Just one tip: DON'T OVERUSE IT! 

Thanks for reading and my next post will be my favourite Winter nail polishes...yay!! 

Byeeee :)

Friday 11 January 2013

MUA 'Lip Boom Review!' | Believe In Beauty

Hello everyone. 

Today I am going to be doing a review on the MUA 'Lip Boom' in 'Cheeky'. I believe it is 'Cheeky' because I can't find anywhere on the packaging where it says the name. Am I being stupid? Has it rubbed off? Or is it just not on there?!

This is the link, if you were interested :) These are from Superdrug and Alexandra Burke designed them or is like sponsoring them or something?? That is probably completely wrong, sorry I'm not too sure! They are £3.00 and I don't like them. :( I bet you are all staring at your computer screen with open mouths because you are very shocked at this. Or you may agree with me. Or you could be thinking..."Seriously, it's £3.00, why are you complaining?". I know it was only £3.00 but I had high hopes for this! 
                                   Warning: Picture Heavy Post!

Sorry if all of the pictures are really bad, I took them myself and my camera is rubbish. 

Anyway...First of all I do really like the idea of it being a very compact product and very good for travelling, you get a lip stick and a lip gloss all in one so saves space in your make up bag. 

Annoyingly the packaging writing does rub off a little, it annoys me a bit, think I'm just a bit fussy. 

You might be thinking, "You said it was only a lip gloss and lipstick, what's this?". I honestly don't know. It's this little pot at the end of it. When I brought it I thought: 'Yes, I've got a lip balm at the end too'. I mean it's always good to have moisturized lips. I went too put it on and it's not a lip balm. I'm not sure what it is. If you do know comment below! I can't get anything out of it. I dip my finger in and get nothing on it. I even made a dent in it pressing so hard trying to get something off, but nothing comes off! What is it? Is mine dodgy and something does come off? PLEASE HELP! It's so annoying. So this is my first bad point about it.

The reason I chose the 'Cheeky' one because it's such a nice colour! Look at it! It's such a pretty pink. However, when I put it on the lips it's really hard to get it on and for it too look nice. I feel like I'm colouring my lips in, just because it's so hard to get it on!  You have to give it so many coats, but when you have done 1 coat and then go to do the 2nd coat, it rubs of the 1st coat, it's a never ending circle (haha!) it's just so annoying! I wish it went on my smoothly. I'm not sure why this happens, I think it may be because it's quite a pale colour, so maybe if I had a darker shade it would work. This might not be the products fault then? It could just be the colour. Unfortunately I don't have another darker colour to compare it too. 

When you swatch it on your hand you need to do 3 coats before it's clear and shows up. Look how nice the colour is though...such a shame I just can't get a good, full coverage of it on the lips! 

You also get such a pretty, pink, sparkly lip gloss and it's so beautiful. It's so glittery and sparkly and looks lovely on the lips. To be honest I actually prefer to wear it by itself rather than on top of the lipstick. 

   The brush is also really soft and not bristly which is always a bonus. 

So when you put the lip gloss on top of the lipstick you would presume that it would turn it really glossy just wipes it off. I put the lip gloss on top of the swatch of lipstick, I did earlier, and it just wipes the lipstick off leaving a glossy shine. The lip gloss looks nice but it's so annoying how it just wipes the lipstick off, this is why I don't like it. First you can't get a good coverage of lipstick and then you put the lip gloss on top and it just wipes the lipstick's so annoying. 

This is really blurry sorry... But look what's happened, it just snapped as I was taking 

I can kinda see why  it was £3.00. I do love the colour and I'm glad I did purchase it. Just a bit annoyed it wasn't as great as I thought it would have been! But then again, not everything's going to be perfect! 

Thanks for reading. Also what's your opinion on it? I would love to know!! 

Byeeeeee :) 

P.S- Sorry if this post is so confusing and makes no sense. I was rushing and I'm not the best reviewer because I forget the points I need to make. Note to self: Make notes before writing...haha! 

Sunday 6 January 2013

My Perfume Collection! | Believe In Beauty

Hello everyone!

Sorry for the lack of posts recently (when I said in previous posts that I was going to be doing lots more, more frequently!) but my ear drum has burst and I've got an ear infection and if you've had it you will know it is the most painfullest thing ever and you don't know what to do with yourself. :( I've had many sleepless nights and slept through the day, it's so annoying! I don't know how I am going to get back into a routine before school...ah! I'm feeling slightly better today so thought I would do a Blog Post. 

Anyway... Today's post is going to be my Perfume Collection! I love perfumes. I love going round in Boots and Superdrug, sniffing all the different Perfumes and making mental notes in my head which ones I want to buy next. I don't have a lot of perfumes because I have only recently started my collection and I'm a bit weird where I like to use one all up before purchasing another one, haha! I've got quite a few in my collection at the moment though :/ I'm not going to go into too much detail because I might do separate reviews on each of them in an upcoming Blog Post. I will also try and find a price and link from the Boots website. I will link Boots just because I think they have more variation of Perfumes, but Superdrug is still really good! I also have pictures that I have taken myself but unfortunately they are not very good. 

My first Perfume is Britney Spears 'Radiance' 
I love this Perfume! It has such a nice smell and this is my 2nd bottle of it. I got my first bottle for Christmas 2011 and then another one in April 2012. It has such a nice refreshing smell and you can smell it on yourself which personally I like! I like how it stays on for pretty much the whole day and you only need 2 squirts for this. It's really nice and a reasonable price. On the Boots website for 50ml (the one I have) it is currently £14.30, which is quite cheap for a good perfume I think. Here is the link: It does say it is out of stock at the moment but I'm sure they have some in the store :) 

My 2nd Perfume is JLS 'Kiss'
I am a massive JLS fan so of course, I had to buy this. I love the smell. It's quite sweet and personally I think it's quite a summery scent so I only really wear it in the Summer, seeing as it is winter at the moment, I haven't been wearing it a lot recently. The packaging is really cool, it has a magnetic lid. Even if you aren't a JLS fan you should just try it anyway because the smell is lovely. I'd thought I'd link the JLS Gift Set (in case you were interested) because it is currently half price from £20.00 to £10.00 so it is quite a bargain with a Body Lotion in there as well! The link is: And it's not sold out...YET! :D 

My 3rd Perfume is DKNY 'Be Delicious', it is the green bottle, I don't think it has a pacific name? 
I was first introduced to this perfume when my Auntie was wearing it and it smelt lovely...I asked her what it was and she said 'Be Delicious, DKNY' so I had a look in Boots and smelt it to make sure it was the right one and it was. I got it for my birthday and been wearing it ever since. It's quite expensive but totally worth it! The smell is lovely, it is quite appely (that's not even a word, haha!) but also at the same time, kinda sweet. The bottle it comes in is also quite cute. Definitely a 'must have' perfume in your collection! The link is here: It is £48.00 on the Boots website, pretty pricey, but so worth it as it stays on all day. I normally wear it for special occasions as I don't want to waste it. 

My 4th Perfume is 'Christina Aguilera'
I got this perfume for Christmas and I really like the smell. I'm not good at describing scents so I won't go into too much detail but all I will say is that it is quite sweet. It's really nice though and stays on for most of the day and I can smell it on myself which to me equals...BONUS! Haha. I think the packaging is really nice, the bottle is so pretty. This is the link: It is also discounted at the moment so grab it whilst you can! 

My 5th and final perfume is Ralph Lauren '3'
I first discovered this perfume when I was Christmas shopping and buying a Perfume for my cousin. We got her number '2' which is lovely but I really liked the '3' when testing '1'-'4'. I managed to get it in the Boots sale after Christmas so that was good. I love this though. I only got it this week so haven't tested it out but all I'm going to say is the smells is gorgeous and kind of similar to the Christina Aguilera one. I like the bottle too but I did prefer the '2' bottle, it was pink!! Before it was in the sale it was £35.00 which is quite expensive but it is still in the sale for £23.33 so you save quite a lot, I think, as you also get a Body Lotion. The link is here: A really good buy I think! 

So that is all my perfumes. I feel very cheered up now (after my bad ear) talking about Perfumes for so long haha. My next perfume on my wish list is 'Alien' by Thierry Mugler, it's lush! I think I may ask for it for my birthday. *Makes mental note in head to remember to ask for it in September*. I really hope you enjoyed this post. Leave a comment down below of your favourite perfumes or any you have in your collection! :) 

Thanks for Reading, byeeeee :) 

Tuesday 1 January 2013

2012 Highlights! | Believe In Beauty

Hello everyone!

So seeing as it is now 2013 (Omg!) I thought I would do a blog post on my highlights of 2012...hope you enjoy!

January: January was no special month! It was a month of parties and pantomimes! I went to two of my friend's birthday parties and they were both really fun. I went to a Pantomime and that was really good and funny. January was no special month, quite boring but also fun!

February: February was a good month. I went to my 1st ever Lush party!!!! (vintagelovehearts (Meg) if you are reading this thanks so much for inviting me!) It was super fun! We got to make our own things and choose some other Lush products. In February we had a bit of snow too, not a lot, but still fun! I also went to Cadbury's world for the first time which was good, saw friend's I hadn't seen for ages and all in all February was a good month.

March: March was amazing!!!! First it started off with my Dog's birthday, hahahaha! It was my Grampy's special birthday so my whole family went out for that which was really fun and he had an amazing cake which was soooo yummy! Then it was time for...JLS 4TH DIMENSION TOUR. OMG. IT WAS AMAZING. I HAD SO MUCH FUN. BEST CONCERT EVERRRRRRRRR!!!! I also went to see McFly that month which was also soo good!! I also took my Grade 2 Piano exam which was stressful!

April: April was ok. Had a few relatives birthdays and went to London! I had a good Easter with lots of yummy chocolate to eat and nice presents! I also found out that I had passed my Piano exam with a Merit, I was really happy as I thought I had failed!

May: May was a really boring month. Nothing exciting happened! Probably the most exciting thing that happened was a Sleepover and cinema, that was literally how boring the month was. Haha, it was just a month of School and doing nothing...boring! :(

June: June was busy! I had my Mum and Dad's birthday which was celebrated with meals out to a Italian restaurant! We had celebrations for the Queens Jubilee! I had lots of other relatives birthdays, and my cousins birthday where we had a limo party which was fun:) June was a month of birthdays and parties, it was fun.

July: July was boring. It was just school. But in July we broke up for Summer holidays, and my year had a trip to Chessington. It was such a fun day with all my friends, went on lots of rides and had loads of fun. That was the most exciting thing that happened in July, the rest was boring. We also had the start of the Olympics and I watched a lot of events on TV throughout July and August!

August: August was a good month. I went on holiday, and it was so amazing. My whole family went and my Nan and Grampy came too, like they always do! We had to hire out this 9 seater for us all and we had so many laughs travelling in it. Even better my Uncle, Auntie and Cousin joined us this year! Most days were spent at the beach, shopping, going to little towns, zoo and having loads of fun. Went swimming and in Hot tubs and the weather was so hot and lovely! Then when we came home from our lovely holiday we had a lovely meal with all my family to celebrate my sister's special birthday! August was so fun.

September: September was back to school but also...MY BIRTHDAY. I got an iPhone...wahoo! Best present ever:) I celebrated with a trip to a Theme Park and then a meal out :) It was really nice weather and I got lots of lovely presents and had an amazing Smurf cake! It was one of the best birthday's ever...Yay! That's all that happened in September, but still fun:) I also had a friend's birthday sleepover and ice skating which was fun! 

October: October was boring! Had my Nans birthday and my Dogs birthday (hehe!) but that was about it. I did go on a School trip to see this Dance show which was good. Boring October. 

November: November was busy! I went to Firework displays, had 2 Dance shows, went to a Street fair and spent the majority of the month watching I'm A Celebrity, yay for that! This was probably why there was a lack of Blog post, or maybe I was just being lazy?! 

December: December, favourite month of the year! First I went to some Christmas Markets which made me feel very Christmassy and festive! Then I had another Dance show! Put the Christmas decorations up...yay, best part! Had a Christmas meal out with all my family :) Spent the week before Christmas being very ill :( Saw Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger. AND THEN IT WAS CHRISTMAS. BEST DAY EVER. GOT LOADS OF LOVELY PRESENTS AND AN IPAD MINI....And being the Lush obsessed freak I am, got 4 Lush boxes (Secret Santa, Sweet Christmas, With Love From Santa and Stardust!). I had a great Christmas seeing all my family and having fun! Then to finish off December a trip to Winter Wonderland, woo! 

Overall I have had quite a good year! Hope you all did too! This year my Blog is hopefully going to get better and have more frequent posts! YAY!