Tuesday 1 January 2013

2012 Highlights! | Believe In Beauty

Hello everyone!

So seeing as it is now 2013 (Omg!) I thought I would do a blog post on my highlights of 2012...hope you enjoy!

January: January was no special month! It was a month of parties and pantomimes! I went to two of my friend's birthday parties and they were both really fun. I went to a Pantomime and that was really good and funny. January was no special month, quite boring but also fun!

February: February was a good month. I went to my 1st ever Lush party!!!! (vintagelovehearts (Meg) if you are reading this thanks so much for inviting me!) It was super fun! We got to make our own things and choose some other Lush products. In February we had a bit of snow too, not a lot, but still fun! I also went to Cadbury's world for the first time which was good, saw friend's I hadn't seen for ages and all in all February was a good month.

March: March was amazing!!!! First it started off with my Dog's birthday, hahahaha! It was my Grampy's special birthday so my whole family went out for that which was really fun and he had an amazing cake which was soooo yummy! Then it was time for...JLS 4TH DIMENSION TOUR. OMG. IT WAS AMAZING. I HAD SO MUCH FUN. BEST CONCERT EVERRRRRRRRR!!!! I also went to see McFly that month which was also soo good!! I also took my Grade 2 Piano exam which was stressful!

April: April was ok. Had a few relatives birthdays and went to London! I had a good Easter with lots of yummy chocolate to eat and nice presents! I also found out that I had passed my Piano exam with a Merit, I was really happy as I thought I had failed!

May: May was a really boring month. Nothing exciting happened! Probably the most exciting thing that happened was a Sleepover and cinema, that was literally how boring the month was. Haha, it was just a month of School and doing nothing...boring! :(

June: June was busy! I had my Mum and Dad's birthday which was celebrated with meals out to a Italian restaurant! We had celebrations for the Queens Jubilee! I had lots of other relatives birthdays, and my cousins birthday where we had a limo party which was fun:) June was a month of birthdays and parties, it was fun.

July: July was boring. It was just school. But in July we broke up for Summer holidays, and my year had a trip to Chessington. It was such a fun day with all my friends, went on lots of rides and had loads of fun. That was the most exciting thing that happened in July, the rest was boring. We also had the start of the Olympics and I watched a lot of events on TV throughout July and August!

August: August was a good month. I went on holiday, and it was so amazing. My whole family went and my Nan and Grampy came too, like they always do! We had to hire out this 9 seater for us all and we had so many laughs travelling in it. Even better my Uncle, Auntie and Cousin joined us this year! Most days were spent at the beach, shopping, going to little towns, zoo and having loads of fun. Went swimming and in Hot tubs and the weather was so hot and lovely! Then when we came home from our lovely holiday we had a lovely meal with all my family to celebrate my sister's special birthday! August was so fun.

September: September was back to school but also...MY BIRTHDAY. I got an iPhone...wahoo! Best present ever:) I celebrated with a trip to a Theme Park and then a meal out :) It was really nice weather and I got lots of lovely presents and had an amazing Smurf cake! It was one of the best birthday's ever...Yay! That's all that happened in September, but still fun:) I also had a friend's birthday sleepover and ice skating which was fun! 

October: October was boring! Had my Nans birthday and my Dogs birthday (hehe!) but that was about it. I did go on a School trip to see this Dance show which was good. Boring October. 

November: November was busy! I went to Firework displays, had 2 Dance shows, went to a Street fair and spent the majority of the month watching I'm A Celebrity, yay for that! This was probably why there was a lack of Blog post, or maybe I was just being lazy?! 

December: December, favourite month of the year! First I went to some Christmas Markets which made me feel very Christmassy and festive! Then I had another Dance show! Put the Christmas decorations up...yay, best part! Had a Christmas meal out with all my family :) Spent the week before Christmas being very ill :( Saw Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger. AND THEN IT WAS CHRISTMAS. BEST DAY EVER. GOT LOADS OF LOVELY PRESENTS AND AN IPAD MINI....And being the Lush obsessed freak I am, got 4 Lush boxes (Secret Santa, Sweet Christmas, With Love From Santa and Stardust!). I had a great Christmas seeing all my family and having fun! Then to finish off December a trip to Winter Wonderland, woo! 

Overall I have had quite a good year! Hope you all did too! This year my Blog is hopefully going to get better and have more frequent posts! YAY! 

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