Friday 11 January 2013

MUA 'Lip Boom Review!' | Believe In Beauty

Hello everyone. 

Today I am going to be doing a review on the MUA 'Lip Boom' in 'Cheeky'. I believe it is 'Cheeky' because I can't find anywhere on the packaging where it says the name. Am I being stupid? Has it rubbed off? Or is it just not on there?!

This is the link, if you were interested :) These are from Superdrug and Alexandra Burke designed them or is like sponsoring them or something?? That is probably completely wrong, sorry I'm not too sure! They are £3.00 and I don't like them. :( I bet you are all staring at your computer screen with open mouths because you are very shocked at this. Or you may agree with me. Or you could be thinking..."Seriously, it's £3.00, why are you complaining?". I know it was only £3.00 but I had high hopes for this! 
                                   Warning: Picture Heavy Post!

Sorry if all of the pictures are really bad, I took them myself and my camera is rubbish. 

Anyway...First of all I do really like the idea of it being a very compact product and very good for travelling, you get a lip stick and a lip gloss all in one so saves space in your make up bag. 

Annoyingly the packaging writing does rub off a little, it annoys me a bit, think I'm just a bit fussy. 

You might be thinking, "You said it was only a lip gloss and lipstick, what's this?". I honestly don't know. It's this little pot at the end of it. When I brought it I thought: 'Yes, I've got a lip balm at the end too'. I mean it's always good to have moisturized lips. I went too put it on and it's not a lip balm. I'm not sure what it is. If you do know comment below! I can't get anything out of it. I dip my finger in and get nothing on it. I even made a dent in it pressing so hard trying to get something off, but nothing comes off! What is it? Is mine dodgy and something does come off? PLEASE HELP! It's so annoying. So this is my first bad point about it.

The reason I chose the 'Cheeky' one because it's such a nice colour! Look at it! It's such a pretty pink. However, when I put it on the lips it's really hard to get it on and for it too look nice. I feel like I'm colouring my lips in, just because it's so hard to get it on!  You have to give it so many coats, but when you have done 1 coat and then go to do the 2nd coat, it rubs of the 1st coat, it's a never ending circle (haha!) it's just so annoying! I wish it went on my smoothly. I'm not sure why this happens, I think it may be because it's quite a pale colour, so maybe if I had a darker shade it would work. This might not be the products fault then? It could just be the colour. Unfortunately I don't have another darker colour to compare it too. 

When you swatch it on your hand you need to do 3 coats before it's clear and shows up. Look how nice the colour is though...such a shame I just can't get a good, full coverage of it on the lips! 

You also get such a pretty, pink, sparkly lip gloss and it's so beautiful. It's so glittery and sparkly and looks lovely on the lips. To be honest I actually prefer to wear it by itself rather than on top of the lipstick. 

   The brush is also really soft and not bristly which is always a bonus. 

So when you put the lip gloss on top of the lipstick you would presume that it would turn it really glossy just wipes it off. I put the lip gloss on top of the swatch of lipstick, I did earlier, and it just wipes the lipstick off leaving a glossy shine. The lip gloss looks nice but it's so annoying how it just wipes the lipstick off, this is why I don't like it. First you can't get a good coverage of lipstick and then you put the lip gloss on top and it just wipes the lipstick's so annoying. 

This is really blurry sorry... But look what's happened, it just snapped as I was taking 

I can kinda see why  it was £3.00. I do love the colour and I'm glad I did purchase it. Just a bit annoyed it wasn't as great as I thought it would have been! But then again, not everything's going to be perfect! 

Thanks for reading. Also what's your opinion on it? I would love to know!! 

Byeeeeee :) 

P.S- Sorry if this post is so confusing and makes no sense. I was rushing and I'm not the best reviewer because I forget the points I need to make. Note to self: Make notes before writing...haha! 


  1. i think the thing you are not sure of is just to show the colour, my mum had one of their lipsticks and we came across the same thing, we think we worked out that it was just for decoration or to show the colour, because it had the exact same consistency as the actual lipstick, it seemed like it was just a small bit of lipstick, but yours is harder so i am unsure, hope that helped ;)xxxxx(hedy)

  2. I've just reviewed these over on my blog too :) >>
    I really love them, it's a shame yours didn't show up on your lips. I think you're right in that the darker shades/ peachy pinks definitely show up really well. I would definitely recommend trying some other shades x

  3. Hello thanks for your comment! I just had a little read of your review and blog :) I think I will have to pop to Superdrug soon to get some darker shades :) x
