Monday 31 December 2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR! | Believe In Beauty



I know it's not quite January 1st yet, but it's close enough. If anyone does actually read this blog then I hope you all have a great new year and that 2013 is fun for you all!!

My 2 New Years Resolutions are...

1. Go to bed earlier as I'm always tired and never have enough sleep.
2. Make my Blog better, I need to do more frequent posts and more interesting posts.

Thank you so much for reading if you did and see you in the New Year for lots more Blog Posts and a hopefully a better blog...J

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!! 


Tuesday 25 December 2012

Merry Christmas!!!!! | Believe In Beauty


Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all have a fantastic day and get loads of nice presents!!!!!

Be sure to check back after Christmas for lots more regular posts and lots more exciting things!

See you soon.


Wednesday 28 November 2012

Winterlicious Tag! | Believe In Beauty

Hello everyone! 
So today, as it's getting closer and closer to Christmas and Winter is definitely coming, I thought I would do the Winterlicious tag! I've seen it around YouTube a lot lately and I thought it would be perfect to do on my blog. Unfortunately I have been very lazy and came to write this at 4:45 and it's dark, noticed that on some questions I would need pictures and the lighting is currently awful, so I've found pictures from the internet, I'm very sorry! I might update this post sometime in the future with my own pictures. 

Nails Inc Piccadilly Circus
1) Favorite Winter Nail Polish?
My favourite winter Nail Polish has got to be Nails Inc Piccadilly Circus! I love, love, love this colour. It's so nice in the winter as it's a dark purplish/burgundy colour and looks lovely on your nails! It's really good quality as well, it lasts for a while and I got it on the glamour magazine last year for only £2 so a bargain!! 

2) Favorite Winter lip product?
Vaseline- Cocoa Butter
My favourite winter lip product by far is...VASELINE. In the winter my lips always get very chapped and sore and I also get a red line around them, not nice :( So I always turn to Vaseline. In the winter I personally prefer to use the Cocoa Butter one, (the one I'm currently using!), as it makes me feel more Christmassy...don't ask why! It just soothes my lips so well and quickly and gets rid of the horrible line, it just works wonders haha! It is also quite cheap so another bonus!  I do also love the Bubblegum Lip Scrub from Lush to get the dry skin off but I have sadly ran out of it at the moment! :( 

3) Most worn Winter clothing piece?
Hm, tough question!! I love winter clothing, it's much more snuggly! I probably wear my cream knitted jumper or my redish knitted jumper the most though. There so cosy and perfect for a cold day. I also love my Reindeer leggings that I brought recently, I only just got them but I know I will be non-stop wearing them throughout Winter and Christmas! 

4) Most worn Winter accessory?
Hm, do scarfs count? Let's just say they do... I love my cream knitted scarf with grey love hearts on from New Look, I got it last year and it's so nice to warm your neck up when it's cold and goes with a lot of things which is also good! 

                                                                                                                5) Favorite winter        scent/candle?
My favourite winter candle is one from Yankee Candles, seeing as I'm in decisive I couldn't decide between two but my favourite are 'Christmas Eve' and 'Christmas Cupcake', they both smell delicious and the 'Christmas Eve' one is the one I always burn on Christmas Eve! 

6) Favorite Winter beverage?  
Definitely Hot Chocolate! With whipped Cream and Marshmallows, yummy!! 

7) All time favorite Christmas/Holiday movie?
'ELF' or 'The Greatest Store in the World', 'Elf' is just obviously amazing, everyone's favourite and 'The Greatest Store in the World' is just amazing, I love it so, so, so much! BEST FILM EVER! When I was younger they would play it on TV EVERY Christmas and I would watch it all the time, it's on YouTube now so definitely going to watch it when it's Christmas, if you haven't watched it, go watch it now. It's just amazing. 

8) Favorite Christmas/Holiday song?
Could be here for a while. Ok, number 1....
1. All I Want For Christmas Is You
2. Merry Christmas Everyone
3. I wish it could be Christmas everyday!
4. Wonderful Christmas Time. 
There's loads more but I could be here for days so I'm going to stop now. 

                                                      9) Favorite Holiday food/treat?
The mini Profiteroles you get, omg lush. I could eat about 10 of them, my Nan buys them every year and it's always me who eats the most...oops. 

10) What is your favorite Christmas Decoration this year?
We haven't put up our Decorations yet but a new addition (that you may of heard about if you read my half-term summary) is this mini fireplace where you put mini stockings on it with your names on it and it's so cute and I love it. So one of my favourites but without having them out I can't remember any other ones, sorry! 

11) What's at the top of your Christmas list?
I don't really know. I would like some Lush boxes which are at the top of my list but I may ask for an iPad Mini but I'm undecided at the moment so for the meantime, a Lush Box...the 'Stardust' one, 'Sweet Christmas' and 'With Love From Santa!'

12) What are your plans for the holidays this year?
Relax, go Ice-Skating at this like special Christmas outdoor one, spend time with family, have an amazing Christmas, eat, have fun, see friends and all that jazz! 

Thanks for reading!! :)

Thursday 22 November 2012

Obsession With Lush? | Believe In Beauty


You may, or may not, remember that one of my 1st recent posts was a Lush haul. In this Lush haul I purchased 4 things. A week or so later I went back into the Lush shop and brought 3 more things. I am now sitting writing this blog post with the Lush website opened in another tab looking at all the amazing products they do, (going on the website at least once a day), and I literally want to buy...EVERYTHING!

I love Lush all year round but when it gets to Christmas season and all the Christmas products start appearing online and in the shops I go a little bit crazy. I feel like I need to buy EVERYTHING. It's all just lovely!! One of my favourite things from Lush's Christmas collection is Candy Mountain Bubble Bar and the Snow Fairy shower gel, they are 2 amazing products and by far my favourite for the festive season!!

Currently in my Lush collection I have...
♥  Jacko Bath Ballistic
♥  Gingerbread House Bubble Bar 
♥  Bubblebeard Bubble Bar 
♥  The Enchanter
♥  Golden Wonder Bath Bomb
♥  The Melting Snowman
♥  Father Christmas Bath Bomb

To some of you this won't seem a lot, but to me, I have a bit of an obsessive collection going on here. It gets even worse though. Browsing the Lush website I am going to order Jingle Spells (which is limited addition, so go grab it now if you are Lush obsessed like me!) and the Rocket Bubble Bar. For Christmas I have asked for 3 Lush gift boxes (Stardust, With Love From Santa and Sweet Christmas), I chose the boxes carefully so they would cover all the Christmas products from Lush I wanted, I'm such a weirdo haha.  

The point I am actually trying to get across in this long-winded, probably no one really cares, blog post is that if you have never tried Lush, why not? Go and give it a go now! 

See you all soon!

Friday 9 November 2012

Autumn/Winter Must Haves! | Believe In Beauty

Hello everyone!

Seeing as it's Autumn, and Winter is fast approaching I thought I would do a blog post today on Autumn/Winter must haves, these are the things I love having in Autumn and Winter and things I think you should have too! :)

♥ Cosy jumpers 
♥ Hot Chocolate with Squirty Cream and Marshmallows
♥ Lip balms or Vaseline for those chapped lips! 
♥ Hand Cream for dry cold hands 
♥ Dark Nail Varnish colours for your nails like dark purples, dark blues, dark reds, e.t.c. 
♥ Blankets 
♥ Snuggly slipper boots 
♥ Candles
♥ Movie Days
♥ Hot water bottles
♥ Long walks through the leaves
♥ Scarves, Hats and Gloves
♥ Home baking: Cakes, Biscuits, Muffins, Cookies, 
♥ Christmas products from Lush!

What are your Autumn/Winters Must haves? What do you love to do in the Autumn/Winter?


Wednesday 7 November 2012

A Fun Interview With vintagelovehearts | Believe In Beauty

Hello everyone!

Today I'm doing a collab blog post with vintagelovehearts ( link to her blog here!) Basically we're going to ask each other questions, the questions I ask Meg and her answers will be on my blog post and the questions Meg asks me and my answers will be on her blog post so go check it out!

Here are the rules!
- Answer the question as detailed as you can! (without rambling)
- Put some corresponding pictures to the questions!
- Answer every question!
- Have fun answering them!

Okay let's start!

Hello! My 1st question for you is: 1. What would your ideal day be like? Answer: Hey! Well my ideal day would be...Get up late at like 11-12, lounge around in my onsie for a bit, then go out with some friends to the cinema or out somewhere and then come back and either have a sleepover with them or just sit with my family and have a lazy night with TV, DVD's and takeaways (ideally Chinese or pizza).
Sounds like a good day hehe!

 2. Seeing as it's getting near Christmas (ish!) What are you most excited about for the festive season? (Apart from Christmas hehe!) Answer: Probably seeing some of my family I haven't seen for a while, putting decorations up and just all round being christmassy! (Christmas food and drink, Christmas songs etc!) 
Can't wait to put up my decorations either! 3. Where are your 3 favourite places to shop? Answer: Okay well there's way more than 3 but...1. Primark! It's sooo inexpensive and you can get some good bargains in there! 2. LUSH, I love smelling everything! mmm... 3. Superdrug/boots, I'm entertained for ages in there looking at all the makeup!

Love Lush as well! 4. Any embarassing tales from your younger days? Yes lots! Haha! But one is when i was at primary school, i ran out of the gates, as you do at the end of school, went to find my mum, found her (or so i thought) gave her a nice hug, looked up and it wasn't my mum!!!!!! It was another girls mum from my school! Luckily i kind of knew her, but still! I was mortified!

Awkward, haha! 5. What 3 things do you hate doing but everyone else seems to love to do? Answer: I know right! Hmm, tough un'! 1.Well I don't hate this, I just dislike it, but I don't really know why, but I don't really like big activities or something with my school, I just think there too much faff and effort! Haha! 2. I hate editing videos, it takes ages haha! 3. I hate going to bed! Not sleeping, I love that, but just going to bed, don't ask why! Haha! 

Haha, I hate school trips too! 6. What would be your ideal Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner menu? Answer: 
Breakfast - FRY UP FTW! Haha! Lunch - Probably like a Cesar salad, pasta or soup! Something little that's yummy! Dinner - TAKEAWAY! Hehe, or chicken stir fry! Yummeh!

YUUUUM. 7. Favourite ever holiday you've been on and why? Answer: CALIFORNIA! It was so amazing! We did so much cool stuff, we went to Disney, universal and sea world! And we went to the Hollywood walk of fame and saw the Hollywood sign! And also the weather was lovely!
Sounds amazing! Really wanna go to California!

 8. What are you most proud of in your life? (deep haha!) Answer: Haha! Deep! Hmm, that's so tough! Well one of them is probably performing in front of my whole school and all the parents in my primary school play! I was only in year 6 but I sang my little heart out, even though I am quite a shy person!

Aww! 9. What is your favourite thing to do in the Summer and Winter? Answer: Tehe! Well, my favourite thing to do in summer is, either go on holiday or spend time with my friends doing fun summery stuff like swimming, and being out side! In the winter is to wrap up warm, snuggle up by my fire and watch DVD's! Oh, and get excited for christmas! 

CHRISTMAS AHHH. Haha. Last question! 10. What are you best tips for healthy looking skin? Answer: YEY! Can't wait! Good question! I have a few! 1. Take all your makeup off at night! Otherwise you will get spots! 2. Use a face wash to rinse and wash your face at the end of the day! 3. Don't use too much makeup! If you cake on the foundation, bronzer, blush, concealer etc, your skin will get all clogged up and spotty! Not nice!

Good tips! Thankyou for answering all my questions! 

Hope you enjoyed this fun blog post, it was so fun to ask and answer each others questions!


Sunday 4 November 2012

Halfterm Summary | Believe In Beauty


 I have been on halfterm the week just gone so I thought I'd do a little summary on what I got up to! I didn't do much, it was more of a relaxing halfterm :) I will only do Monday - Saturday as they were my most interesting days! 

Monday 29th October 2012

Today has been quite boring. I went to the shop with my Sister to get some Lunch and a pumpkin but there were no pumpkins left, so that was a bit annoying :( Later on when my Mum got home from work, we went to Tesco's and I found a pumpkin there so I brought 2 :D That was basically all that happened...BORING. 

Tuesday 30th October 2012

Today was a bit more interesting. I woke up and accidentally deleted one of my Blog posts so I had to try and figure out how to get it back and I did in the end, it took a while but I got there! I also wrote another Blog post that will be coming up in the near future. When my Mum got home from work we went to this Garden Center thing and they had all the Christmas decorations out!! It made me so excited. It was like walking through a winter wonderland, so nice! Of course we couldn't resist the temptation to buy something so we picked up a mini fireplace with stockings which had our names on! So cute, you'll probably see it in a post in the future on 'Christmas Decoration's' or something! We called into my Nans on the way back and had a drink and bite to eat there:) That's basically all that happened today. 

Wednesday 31st October 2012

Happy Halloween! Halloween today and November tomorrow, yay! Today was quite fun. I went shopping with my Mum and Sister and of course I had to go into Lush...oops! It was not a good idea, they had all their Christmas things out and me, being me, had to buy something. I ended up buying 3 things, I got the 'Golden Wonder Bath Ballistic', 'Melting Snowman' and 'Father Christmas', I love them all and can't wait to try them! I don't think I will do a Haul on them, sorry! So that was all I got shopping but we had a nice shopping trip and brought some Christmas presents and a lovely Lunch in Debenhams! When I got back from shopping me and my sister carved our pumpkins and lit them. Then we ordered Dominoes pizza and watched TV waiting for 'Trick or Treaters' to come but no one came! 

Thursday 1st November 2012

November finally, yay! Can I start getting excited for Christmas yet?! Today me, my Mum and Sister went into town on the bus and got a few things, some more Christmas presents and stuff. I got the cutest panda hat but I'm not sure if I'll wear it as I don't really suit hats, oh well. Then we walked home from the town and we had loads of bags of heavy shopping, ouch. Boring day. 

Friday 2nd November 2012

Today was another boring day. Me and my Mum took the Dogs for a long walk and then me, my Mum and Sister caught the bus into another town and had a shop around there and then my Dad met us there and we went to Waitrose to get some shopping. I got the most delicious Strawberry milkshake EVER! It was called 'Shaken Udder', definitely try it if you see it in a supermarket! Then it was Eastenders and Miranda. OMG, I could not stop laughing at Miranda, it was so funny! I love Miranda so much!

Saturday 3rd November 2012

Today I was suppose to do Homework but I couldn't be bothered so it's been a laptop day:D I've been writing some Blog Posts and catching up on all important YouTube videos! I had a yummy lunch consisting of a bacon sandwich and then a long dog walk with my Mum. Now I'm listening to Music and writing this! I then went to my towns fireworks and they were really good, it wasn't too cold either as it normally is freezing!! The last one was probably the best firework, it looked soooo pretty:) Then it was xfactor time, Kye and James are definitely my favourites, love them!:D

I had a good halfterm, hope if you were on halfterm you did too! Back to school tomorrow, nooo:(


Wednesday 31 October 2012

The Spooktacular Tag | Believe In Beauty

Happy Halloween Everyone!

What are you all doing to celebrate? I'm not doing much but I'm going to decorate my room a bit today and maybe put a few decorations in the window. I'm also going to carve my pumpkins and light them. I love carving pumpkins and getting all creative with them :D I'm not going 'Trick-or-Treating' this year, but if I was I would probably dress up as a witch, devil or a cat! What are you all dressing up as?

Seeing as it's Halloween today I thought I would do the 'Spooktacular Tag' which I've seen floating round Youtube lately. Here goes!...

1. Do you still Trick or Treat? 
I've never really Trick or Treated properly before because my mum doesn't really like it, but I sometimes go round my road and round the corner from my road and stuff :) But I don't think I'm going to Trick or Treat this year :(

2. Do you like going to Haunted Attractions? 
Never really been to any but I would really love to go to one, I think they would be sooooo fun! However I am a bit of a wimp though :/

3. Favorite Halloween Candy? 
We don't call it 'Candy' in the UK, we call it sweets but I love any sweets, so can't really pick a favourite but I love fizzers and lollipops!

4. Favorite Halloween Movie?
 Never really watched any Halloween movies but I quite like Coraline if you would class that as a Halloween movie, but I don't know? :/ I've heard 'Hocus Pocus' is good so maybe I'll watch that!:D

5. Favorite Scary Movie?
 Like I said earlier I'm such a wimp and haven't really watched any scary movies so don't really have a favourite. I watched 'Frankenstein' once and even though it's really not that scary it freaked me out loads but I still enjoyed it haha!

6. Favorite costume you ever wore as a child? 
When my Mum was little my Nan made her a cat outfit, it was basically like a leotard with a fur hood attached to it for the cats tail. I wore that a few years with some leggings and I loved it! Wonder if it still fits me now? Probably not... Don't think I have a picture with me in in it to show you :( sad timesss

7. First costume you can remember wearing?
 Probably like a witch outfit or something, with this spider hat and these green spider tights, still got those disgusting green tights now hahaha.

8. Favourite Fall Food and Beverage? 
Cookies and Hot Chocolate! Cookies just make me feel all Christmassy and dipping them into Hot Chocolate is so yummy! Hot Chocolate warms me up loads in the cold weather and you've always got to have squirty cream and marshmallows! Mmmmm :)

9. Do you have a festive background on your phone? 
No it's me and my friends haha!
10. What are you going to dress up as this year? 
Nothing :( I'm not going 'Trick or Treating', but if I was I would probably be a devil, or a witch!

11. What would Pinecone be? (or your pet!) 
I'd absolutely love to dress my Dog up in a little pumpkin costume, she would look sooooooo cute! Aw, and imagine little orange round shoes on her, cayuuute!

12. What candy do you have left in your stash after you eat everything else?
 Again, we have sweets but I always leave my Parma Violets, yuk, not to keen on them!

13. Do you decorate your house? 
Sometimes, we used to put balloons up and stuff and do window displays or just put a pumpkin in the window and I think were just putting a pumpkin in the window this year!

14. Pumpkin Patches, Corn Mazes, or Hayrides? 
I'm not sure if we have any in the UK, do we have corn mazes? Not sure:/ But probably like a Pumpkin Patch or Corn maze, they look quite cool :)

15. Going to a Corn Maze, what do you wear? 
Probably like jeans and a hoodie, something comfy :)

Thank you for reading! Hope you all have a really good Halloween!


Monday 29 October 2012

Batiste Dry Shampoo Review | Believe In Beauty

Hello everyone! :)

Today's post is going to be a review on the 'Batiste Dry Shampoo', I love, love, love this stuff and if you haven't tried it already hopefully my post will persuade you to!
I was very hesitant on whether to buy this or not at first as I'd heard very mixed reviews about this. Some people had said it had made your hair feel funny and not really done anything and others had said how amazing it was. I was in Boots not so long ago and I thought 'Why not try it? It can't be that bad!' So I picked it up and brought it home haha! At first I only brought the very small one which I think is 100ml? But not entirely sure. I think it was about £1.49.

I tried it when my hair was on a 3rd day wash and it worked wonders! It made my hair feel so silky and smooth and did not look greasy at all! I was actually quite amazed at how well it worked. It didn't make my hair feel weird, it made it feel like it was the day after I'd washed my hair. I loved it so much I went out and brought the bigger bottle which is 200ml and this was £2.50 from Boots.

I had washed my hair on Tuesday night and woke up Wednesday and Thursday and it was fine, Friday morning it was not so great so I sprayed it in my hair and my hair looked like it was the 1st day wash again. I even said to my friends "I haven't washed my hair since Tuesday night, is that bad?" and they said "What! How does it not even look greasy?", I was like "Haha...Secret!", it is actually like a magic potion or something!

It really does save you that extra day when you can't be bothered to wash your hair or you just don't have time, or if you woke up in the morning and your hair had suddenly gotten greasy over night. When you first spray it on your hair it does make your hair go Gray so you have to be careful when brushing it out so that you don't miss any Gray bits and end up with Gray hair, but the Gray brushes out really easily so it's fine! Also the one I brought which is 'Floral and Flirty Blush' smells amazing so I recommended this one even more, I can always smell it in my hair when I spray it. Another good thing is the price, it's actually quite cheap and you get a lot of product and it does last for quite a long time!

Another thing I experimented with was using it 2 days in a row. I wanted to see whether it would only work the 1st time and not work the 2nd time. I thought that it wasn't going to do anything the 2nd day in a row I used it, but I was wrong, it carried on working it's magic and again freshened up my hair and made it look silky and smooth!

This is definitely a must have, so if you've read my post and you like the sound of it, why not go give it a try? I suggest picking up the smallest bottle 1st time just in case you didn't like it, but that's just my personal opinion:)

Thank you for reading!


P.S- I've got a special post coming on Halloween and I'm writing up a half-term summary from Monday-Friday for you all as well as this week is my Halfterm! Hope you enjoy!! :)

Thursday 25 October 2012

Lush Haul! | Believe In Beauty


I've decided to do a Lush haul today as my 1st proper post :) I love Lush so much and all their lovely products. I was browsing Lush the other day, not intending to buy anything, but I couldn't resist the temptation so I had to pick up a few things! Links and all information on the products will be in the post.

The first thing I brought was 'Bubble Beard, Bubble Bar'.
I love, love, love this and could not resist buying it! The whole point of this product is that it comes on a stick and you swirl it around in your bath and it creates bubbles. It's kind of like a bubble bath. I can't wait to try this and I may review it. I have to admit I'm not too keen on the smell but I can put that past me as I love it!
          Here is a full picture of the product.
The price of this is £4.95 which I didn't think was too bad as this is supposed to last 2-3 uses. <- The link on the Lush website :)
Here is the next thing I brought. This is 'Jacko Ballistic' and another amazing product! This is a bath bomb and seeing as it's a pumpkin I'm going to use it on Halloween! I really like the smell of this and I can't wait to see it fizz in the water! This is in the Retro section of Lush so if you want it, go and grab it now! I believe you can only buy it online? But I'm not entirely sure! This was £3.50 so not too bad either.
Here is the link on the Lush website:

The next thing I brought was... 'THE ENCHANTER'.
I have heard great things about this so can't wait to try it! I love it so far though. It's a HUGE bath bomb which will probably last me ages to use! It also smells AMAZING, it has a really refreshing smell which would really wake you up if you were using it in the morning. I think it turns different colours in your bath so that's also going to be cool! By far the best thing about this is the smell though, it's just soooo lovely! If you've never tried this you have to. It was £3.20 which is really good seeing as it's so big! <-- The link on the Lush website

The final thing I brought was 'Gingerbread House, Bubble Bar'
This was also in the Retro section and seeing as last Christmas I never got to try it, I made sure I definitely did this year. This is a bubble bar, so it's a bit similar to the Bubble beard. I'm going to crumble this up under running water to get bubbles when I use it. I'm looking forward to using it, me the smell isn't that nice! I'm not too keen on it so I'm a little bit worried about using it... However, I think it's really, REALLY cute and couldn't wait to buy it. I'm not too sure whether I'm going to use it around Christmas time yet as it has kind of got a Christmassy scent. It was £3.95 and if I'm honest I probably won't buy this again if it was to come back in the future :(

So that is all I brought and looking forward to trying them all. Thank-you for reading this, hope you enjoyed :) I'll be back soon with more blog posts. Bye :)

P.S- Should I do reviews on them?!

Monday 22 October 2012

Hello and Welcome! | Believe In Beauty


I've always been interested in reading blogs and I always get excited when my favourite bloggers upload new posts! So, I thought I would start something that I know I will love doing and see how it goes! I doubt my blog will be amazing but it's worth a try :)

I will be posting lots of reviews on products that I've tried, OOTD's, Tags and random chitchat posts :)

Hope you all enjoy!