Monday 22 July 2013

Lush: Fizzbanger Bath Ballistic Review! | Believe In Beauty


So it's a Monday, and we are finally back to our weekly Lush reviews. I'm thinking about doing two a week? Because having more time off, I will be able to write more and use more products. However, that could be boring and once a week could be enough for some people, so let me know in the comments. Hopefully in September/October time the Halloween and Christmas products will start to come out, and maybe then you'll want reviews twice a week?! ;) 

So, as you may have guessed from the title, today's Lush review is...FIZZBANGER. One of my personal favourites, which I want to go buy again, right now! You can buy and read more about Fizzbanger HERE on the LUSH website. 
As you can see Fizzbanger, or known as 'The Big Friendly Ballistic', which Lush like to call it, is a reasonably sized Bath Bomb. It is not too small, but not too big. In my eyes, the perfect size. It is a bright yellow colour, and sometimes you can see little bits of blue/green, trying to come through. But why is that you may ask?! ;) Fizzbanger is priced at £3.20, and after doing a little bit of research, in June 2011, it was only £2.99, annoying price changes! 

Fizzbanger, is such a lovely scent too. It is quite citrusy and its main ingredient is Petitgrain oil, from a bitter orange tree, (Citrus Aurantium Amara), so this would explain the sweet, citrus, smelling aroma. 
As soon as you pop Fizzbanger in the Bath, it starts fizzing and releasing its lovely scent, which lingers on your skin for ages after. I was doing a dance class, and I could smell it all throughout the class, it was lovely. It started to fizz a creamy, frothy yellow colour, which produced a small amount of Bubbles in the Bath. I believe the creaminess was the thing that turned my Skin, super soft. After a while of fizzing yellow, suddenly a blue colour came out. Bath bombs, that change colours, are my favourite ever! So the blue mixed with the yellow, and turned the final colour of the Bath, a bright green. Which was actually a really pretty colour and nice to bathe in. Along with the colour changing and lovely scent, it even had Popping Candy! Seriously, could this Bath Bomb get any better? There was loads of it so it made lots of loud pops and this actually lasted for ages. I do love a bit of Popping Candy, do you?! 

However, being a slightly larger Bath Bomb, does mean they take longer to fizz, which was no problem to me, but I know some people dislike this. It also had no fizzing noises, whilst fizzing. I think there was no sound as 1) It fizzed creamy, and, 2) There was Popping Candy, instead. 
Sorry, about the bad quality of this picture, it's a bit blurry! :/
Just when you thought the Bath Bomb couldn't get any better, this pops out at the end. It's a little piece of paper with the word 'Bang', written on it. I don't know about you (but I'm feeling 22...jokes!;)), but I love it when Bath Bombs give you little notes at the end. This ones been through the Wars a bit Mum threw it away, so I had to retrieve it out of the Bin, to be able to take a picture of it. The things I do for Blogging, haha. 

So as you can see, I'm a huge lover of this one. I love the smell, the Popping Candy in it, the way it fizzed and left your Skin feeling lovely and smooth, the colour of the Water and that all important little note at the end. Also the fact that it was so relaxing to have in your Bath. But I didn't like the price...!!!! 

Thanks for reading this quick review. I loved writing it, as I haven't written one for 3 weeks! So sorry about that, but I think I'm back to normal Blogging again. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed! 


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