Wednesday 24 July 2013

Things I'm Currently Loving! | Believe In Beauty


So today is going to be a quick post about things I'm currently loving, a bit like a favourites post. *I did write this ages ago, but only got round to uploading it, sorry!* 

So first of all, I've been loving my Soap and Glory Sugar Crush body wash. I got this for Christmas and have only started using it. It smells amazing (quite a strong scent!) and is quite a creamy wash, so it feels like it makes the skin smoother too, it's just lovely! I also like using it with the Soap and Glory Sugar Crush body scrub, they are a really nice combination! 
Another thing I have been loving is the colour Mint Green. I've literally been obsessing over it. I love clothes that are Mint Green, I love painting my Nails Mint Green, I keep seeing this Mini going round that is Mint Green, and Mini's are my favourite ever, cars. I've also seen this Six Former walking round my School with a mint green bag, and I want it so bad! I've seen a similar one on Accessorize, but it's out of stock. I'm so upset! I've even brought some Mint Green Vans from the Next sale! 

A few Apps I have been loving recently are Candy Crush. At first, I didn't see the big fuss, but after a few levels, it did get a bit addictive and can't stop playing it...someone has to help me! Another App called Flow, it's so addictive too! I'm always constantly playing it and it's good if your bored on a train journey, or if your lying in Bed in the morning or something! Finally one I use on my iPad...Video Star. I just love making stupid videos with my friends on it to lots of different songs and it's so fun! 

Some TV programmes I've been loving recently are Waterloo Road. I know this has been off TV for a while now, but I was literally so addicted to the series! I couldn't ever wait until the next week's episode. It was a really good series, but so upsetting Tom dying in the last episode (sorry if you haven't seen it!). I can't wait until it starts again...super excited for that! The other programme I loved watching was Happy Families. This has been off TV for the same amount of time as Waterloo Road, but it was another good programme. It was so interesting watching normal families day to day lives. I really hope there's another series. It was also quite a funny programme! 

Finally...Music. I've been loving The Saturday's new song 'Gentlemen', it's just so catchy, and one you can just sing and dance along too! I've also been loving Union J's 'Carry You'. I always find myself singing along to this and constantly loving it. I've also been loving 'Treasure', by Bruno Mars. It's just such an upbeat song, which always puts you in a good mood and makes you want to get up and start dancing. Finally, I've also been loving and listening to John Newman 'Love Me Again', this is also so catchy!

So that is some of my favourite things I've been loving recently! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!


P.S- OOTD coming tomorrow woop! :D 

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