Monday 30 June 2014

June Favourites 2014! | Believe In Beauty


It's the last day of the month, which means I must show you my June favourites! June was a super, super busy month for me, so I didn't get to try out any interesting things and all the things featured in the post are very basic! I think you will still like it though. 

1. Tresemme Ultimate Hold Hairspray: I brought this when I had a Dance Exam back in May, however, with a lot of special occasions this month I have been finding myself using this to keep any Hairstyles in place, including a Bun I had to do for a mini-dance show. I've found that this holds my Hair very, very well and I have very heavy, thick Hair. It also smells amazing and is definitely my favourite Hairspray.   

2. Soap and Glory Butter Yourself Moisturiser: I've been using this a lot this month, to stop my Skin going dry from the Sun. It leaves my Skin feeling very soft and it also smells incredible!

3. Mac Mineralized Skin Finish in 'Lust': With all my special occasions this month, I have found myself reaching for this to brighten up my face and it does just that! It adds such a nice, natural glow and I love the colour of it. So happy with this! 

4. Maybelline Nail Varnish in '170 Flamant Rose': I've found myself going for this colour most weekends this month. It's so pretty and looks lovely for a Summers day! It also has good chipping power! 
5: Batiste Original Mini Dry Shampoo: I went away at the beginning of June (to nowhere fancy) and I needed this to keep my Hair freshened up and with June being busy, I needed to use this a lot. It works straightaway, with no grey streaks but I can't say I'm a huge fan of the smell, but oh well it does the job! 

So they are all my favourites from the month of June, like I said quite boring! Oh well! I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading! 


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Friday 27 June 2014

Lush Collection Part 6! | Believe In Beauty


I know you are probably getting fed up of these Lush collection's, but I find it exciting writing them! Plus, this post features NO Christmas products, at last!
First, I have 'Secret Garden' Bath Ballistic. This was from the Mother's Day Collection and I brought myself this. I haven't tried this before, so I was very intrigued to see what it did and I'm excited to try it. It smells very rosey!
Next, I have 'Rose' Bubble Bar. This was new to the Mother's Day Collection 2014, and I brought myself it. I was actually quite surprised at how small it was, as it looked a lot bigger on the website! Ah smells yummy! 
Next, I have the cutest Bubble the 'Mumkin'. I did try this last year, when it came out in the Mother's Day collection, but I thought I would buy myself it again this year. It smells quite strongly, but produces lovely Pink Bubbles. I have reviewed it previously HERE
Next, I have my final product from the Mother's Day collection. This is 'Inhale Exhale' Bath Ballistic, which I also brought myself! Have to say though, not a huge fan of the smell! However, I am still excited to give this a go!
This is a product from the Easter collection now, which was also out in previous Easter collection's. This is called 'Fluffy Egg' Bath Ballistic, which smells just like 'Snow Fairy' to me, so that's why I love it! I'm so excited to try this! My Mum brought it for me! 
A trusty favourite next, this is the 'Bunch Of Carrots' Bubble Bar. Last year, they brought this out singly in the Easter collection, so I do have a review of it HERE. I love the Orange water and it smells heavenly! Can't wait to use this again. My Mum brought me this!
Second to last one now! This is the 'Bunny' Bubble Bar, which is so incredibly cute! It also smells like 'Snow Fairy' and it has a Pink Bottom, which I'm guessing is for Pink Bubbles! This was new to the Easter 2014 collection and I'm intrigued to try it! My Mum brought me this!
Finally, I have 'The Brightside' Bubble Bar, which has also appeared in previous Easter Collections, so was not new for the 2014 collection. This smells very citrusy and I love it! I can't wait to try this, as I've not tried it before and I can't wait to see the colour that the Bubbles go. My Mum also brought me this! 

So, that is the whole collection for part 6! I think there will be a part 7, I'll try and make it my last! I really hope you enjoyed this and thanks for reading! 


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Wednesday 25 June 2014

OOTN: Party! | Believe In Beauty


Sorry for not posting on Sunday, but I've been super busy recently! Just imagine that this was Sunday's post ;) but today's post will come on Friday and then normal blogging will continue after that! 

Today I thought I would do an outfit of the night, because on Saturday I went to a Party, so I thought it would be nice to show you what I wore! 

Dress: Inlovewithfashion. Available HERE

Shoes: Juju Jellies, available on ASOS HERE

So that's my really quick outfit post! I really hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading! 


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Wednesday 18 June 2014

Caring For Your Nails! | Believe In Beauty


Today I thought I would talk to you about how to care for your Nails. If your like me and have horrible, weak Nails that always break, then this will be a great post for you!
Step 1: File your Nails. It's really important to file your Nails into a shape that you are happy with. Then when they are growing, they will grow more evenly. You can have any Nail file you want but I've chosen to use a Jack Wills which I got for my Birthday and I really enjoy using it. 

Step 2: Buff your Nails. Buffing your Nails makes them very soft, even and shiny. I recommend the Body Shop Nail Buffer because it has 4 sides that work well together. Side 1 is to file the Nail, side 2 is to remove any ridges, side 3 is to smooth Nail and step 4 is to shine Nail. As you can see, they are 4 huge benefits for the Nail.

Step 3: Buy a good clear top coat for your Nails. I've found that this Avon one does the trick for me perfectly. It's called '24k gold strength' so is good for strengthing the Nails, which is something I've found it's definitely done. It also adds a lovely shimmer, so it helps to make your Nails look healthy. 

Bonus tip: Buy a good Nail Varnish remover, with Vitamins in to help your Nails. 

Follow these steps and you will have beautiful Nails for the Summer! Also, it helps your Nail Varnish to go on smoother.  

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! 


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Sunday 15 June 2014

Rapunzel: Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder Review! | Believe In Beauty


In THIS post I talked about starting up a new series where I reviewed something from a brand that began with the same letter as a Disney Princess. Seeing as Rapunzel was my example, I thought I would begin with her. I've decided to review the Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder, which is something I have been meaning to review for ages so this is the perfect opportunity! 
Here is the Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder, which everybody loves in the blogging world. I have mine in the colour '001 Transparent' because then you don't have to worry about it being too dark or too light for you skin tone, as that is something I hugely struggle with. There are 6 shades to choose from though, so there is something for everyone. The packaging for this is simple, which I think suits the product but I'm not too keen on the plastic lid. It also has a tendency to keep falling off, which would not be good for travelling. 

This powder claims to have up to 5 hours of natural shine control and helps to minimise the appearance of pores. I don't think my face stays shine-free for 5 hours because I always notice it coming back in the middle of the School day. However, I do think it minimises my pores. Obviously, they don't completely disappear but they do definitely fade away and this is something I love about the product! 

I apply this mainly in my oily areas, which is my nose, the area around my nose and my chin but I do brush it over my forehead sometimes. I would definitely say that it mattifies my face, which being someone with greasy skin, I love! It has a great coverage but it can become cakey very quickly, so just be careful about that. I've also noticed that it can break me out, which is a bit annoying. It gives me under the skin spots. It does make my Skin feel really smooth at the same time though. 

I also noticed that it helped my concealer to stay on noticeably longer. I always find that my concealer rubs off in the middle of the School day but this helps to keep it on that extra bit longer. Also, another thing that I think is key to point out, is that it does have a scent so it is not fragrance-free, so if you don't like fragranced make up, then this is not for you! I personally like the scent and can't really smell it on my face. 

So priced at £3.99 and with Summer coming up, this is definitely something I would recommend for everyone. It's going to help you massively in the Summer to take away that horrible greasy face. You can pick it up from the Boot's website HERE

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed and found this review very useful. I also hope that you are looking forward to the rest of the series and if you have any products from any brands starting in the letters, A, B, S, J, C that you want me to review...let me know! 


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Wednesday 11 June 2014

OOTW: W/C 26th-30th May! | Believe In Beauty


Recently I was on Half-Term and I thought I would do another OOTW, just like I did in February. I really like showing you the different outfits I wear throughout the week, as they are the clothes I always wear on an every day basis and don't normally dress up. (Read my 1st OOTW HERE)

Top: Topshop

Jeans: Topshop

Socks: Topshop 

Top: Hollister

Jeans: Topshop

Socks: Topshop 

Top: New Look

Jeans: Topshop 

Socks: Topshop 

Top: Topshop 

Jeans: Topshop

Socks: Ralph Lauren 

Top: Topshop

Jeans: Topshop

Socks: Topshop 

So they are my Outfits from my Week off! I really hope you enjoyed this Post and are having a fantastic June so far! Thanks for reading! 


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Sunday 8 June 2014

Halfterm Summary #6! | Believe In Beauty


It's that time again...Halfterm summary! You may or may not know that I was on my May Halfterm recently, so today I thought I would tell you what I got up to from Monday-Friday. 

Monday 26th May: Today I didn't do much, in the morning I was on my Laptop and then my Nan and Grampy came to visit, who were here for about 2 hours. I then went to Sainsbury's and then spent the rest of the evening on my Laptop and watched Eastenders! 

Tuesday 27th May: Today I was home alone all morning and afternoon, so I was very lonely! But...I blogged and watched lots of YouTube videos. My Mum and Sister then came home but I stayed in for the rest of the day as it was raining. I just went on my Laptop and did more blogging. I then had Dinner and watched Eastenders! 

Wednesday 28th May: Today I got up very late, so I didn't do much in the morning but in the afternoon I went Shopping with my Mum and Sister and we got a few bits and bobs. I then came home and had a Hot Chocolate and watched YouTube videos. I then had Dinner and had a chilled evening. 
Thursday 29th May: Thursday was another Laptop day. I literally spent the whole morning on my Laptop watching YouTube videos and writing Blog Posts. I also had a bit of a pamper morning and then spent the Afternoon taking picture's for my Spring Look Book as we had a little bit of Sun...but it soon started raining after that, so I was super lucky I got that done quickly. I also did a bit of Maths Homework :( Before then having Dinner and finishing the Day watching Eastenders and more YouTube videos...boring! 

Friday 30th May: In the Morning and late Afternoon I went Shopping to Tesco's with my! In the Afternoon I had my Lunch and then I spent the rest of the day a little bit obsessed with the Sims App! It's a bit ridiculous...I used to play Sims on the Computer years ago, but recently stopped playing it. Anyway...I had Dinner and then watched Eastenders and nearly ended up crying...such a weirdo! I then watched some YouTube videos and that was basically my day...boring! 

So that was my boring Halfterm! What did you get up to? Let me know in the comments! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.


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Wednesday 4 June 2014

May Favourites 2014! | Believe In Beauty


Another month gone and another favourites for you all today. May went super quick and I can't believe we are coming into the Summer months already! 
May Favourites: 

1. Milk-Shake Leave In Hair Treatment: My Sister had this in the Bathroom and wasn't really using it, so I decided to give it a go and loved it! First of all it smells of toffee, it is so yummy, I want to eat my Hair afterwards! It claims to do 12 things 1. Repairs all hair types, 2. Frizz Control, 3. Prevents split ends, 4. Heat protection, 5. Long lasting Hairstyle, 6. Incredibly detangling, 7. Magnificent shine, 8. Adds body and volume, 9. Easier ironing, 10. Protects and maintains colour, 11. Protects from UV rays, and 12. Smooths the cuticle. Whether it does all of these things or not, I don't know but it's reassuring to think it does! It definitely makes my Hair smoother and shinier and I've noticed less split ends. I also like how it protects my Hair from Heat! 

2. Disney Princess Kinder Eggs: If you've read THIS blog post, you will know that I've recently developed an obsession for Disney Princess Kinder Eggs so of course they had to feature in my favourites post. I chose Sleeping Beauty and Rapunzel because they are my favourite Disney Princesses! Also, they are super cute and I just adore them to pieces. Plus, the Chocolate's also very yummy! 

3. Avon 24k Gold Strength: This is a clear coat of Nail Varnish that helps to stop your Nails breaking and I love it. It definitely helps my Nails from doing that annoying thing where they peel back and they feel stronger. I also like how that it makes your Nails look slightly shimmery, so even though you've got a boring clear coat on, it's not actually that boring! 

4. Soap and Glory Mist You Madly Body Mist: I got this for Easter and no lie...I've worn it every day since and it's kind of become my signature scent. I think the scent is so beautiful, it's very girly and sweet. It also lasts for my whole School day and I can ALWAYS smell it on me. 

5. Clean and Clear Dual Action Moisturiser: An old favourite of mine but it had to feature in this months favourites. Everyone know's that this is my favourite moisturiser, it works best for my Skin because it's oil-free. It makes my Skin feel super smooth and lovely. However, I wouldn't say that it helps to prevent Spots but it does help my Blemishes. 

So they are all my favourites from the month of May! June is going to be super busy for me but I hope to keep my Blog updated on Wednesday's and Sunday's so don't disappear! 

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. 


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Tuesday 3 June 2014

Lush: Secret Santa Bath Ballistic Review! | Believe In Beauty


Today I am going to be reviewing the really cool Secret Santa Bath Ballistic from the 2013 Lush Christmas Range! You will also be glad to know that this is going to be my last Lush Christmas Review from the 2013 collection. Saving the best until last?! 
Meet Secret Santa Bath Ballistic. It's the biggest Bath Ballistic you ever did see and super heavy! It's in the shape of a House and is suppose to be 'Santa's Grotto', and it's finished Orange all over, with a White Roof and Pink detailing for the Doors and Windows. Apparently, if you split it in half, it reveals a mini Father Christmas and you are suppose to get 2 Baths out of this. Unfortunately, I could not split it (it was literally too solid) and I knew I would just make a mess of it, so I just put it in whole and got 1 Bath out of it. 

It has a very 'typical Lush scent' with it's featured ingredients being Ylang Ylang Absolute, Sandalwood Oil, Jasmine Absolute, Lime and Lemon Oils and Tonka Absolute, giving the Bath Ballistic a really sweet, citrusy scent. It also lingered on my Skin afterwards. 

When you pop Secret Santa Bath Ballistic in the Bath, it fizzes very quickly (which is suprising seeing as it is so big, but it was gone in a matter of seconds) leaving the Bath Water a VERY bright Orange colour. There was also bits of Red that came out (obviously from the mini Santa inside) which darkened the Orange colour even more. 

It does leave your Skin feeling very soft and nourished but it also left my Skin and Bath a tiny bit stained Orange, which was a bit disappointing. 

Overall, I was quite disappointed. For a very expensive Bath Ballistic, priced at £5.75, it was really boring and I felt like it only turned the Bath Water Orange when it could have done a lot more, being so expensive! Would I buy it again? I think once is enough! 

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Next up...Mother's Day Reviews! 


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Sunday 1 June 2014

Spring Look Book 2014 | Believe In Beauty


Happy June everyone! 

Today is the finally awaited Spring Look Book! I'm sorry that this is no collab, but we've decided to only collab in Summer and Winter. I hope you like the outfits that I've carefully put together because I love them! 
Outfit 1: 

Cardigan: H&M 

Top: Hollister

Trousers: Topshop

Socks: Ralph Lauren

Shoes: New Look 
Outfit 2: 

Jumper: New Look

Collar Top Underneath Jumper: Topshop 

Jeans: Topshop

Boots: M&Co 
Outfit 3: 

Dress: River Island

Shoes: Topshop

Tights: Next
Outfit 4: 

Crop Top: Hollister

Jeans: Topshop

Socks: Ralph Lauren

Shoes: Vans 
Outfit 5: 

Jumper: Topshop

Collar Top Underneath Jumper: Topshop

Skater Skirt: Topshop

Tights: Next

Shoes: Topshop 
Outfit 6: 

Jumper: Topshop

Jeans: Topshop

Socks: Ralph Lauren

Shoes: Vans
Outfit 7: 

Dress: Inlovewithfashion 

Tights: H&M

Shoes: Topshop 

I really hope you enjoyed this Spring Look Book! Thanks for reading! 


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