Wednesday 18 June 2014

Caring For Your Nails! | Believe In Beauty


Today I thought I would talk to you about how to care for your Nails. If your like me and have horrible, weak Nails that always break, then this will be a great post for you!
Step 1: File your Nails. It's really important to file your Nails into a shape that you are happy with. Then when they are growing, they will grow more evenly. You can have any Nail file you want but I've chosen to use a Jack Wills which I got for my Birthday and I really enjoy using it. 

Step 2: Buff your Nails. Buffing your Nails makes them very soft, even and shiny. I recommend the Body Shop Nail Buffer because it has 4 sides that work well together. Side 1 is to file the Nail, side 2 is to remove any ridges, side 3 is to smooth Nail and step 4 is to shine Nail. As you can see, they are 4 huge benefits for the Nail.

Step 3: Buy a good clear top coat for your Nails. I've found that this Avon one does the trick for me perfectly. It's called '24k gold strength' so is good for strengthing the Nails, which is something I've found it's definitely done. It also adds a lovely shimmer, so it helps to make your Nails look healthy. 

Bonus tip: Buy a good Nail Varnish remover, with Vitamins in to help your Nails. 

Follow these steps and you will have beautiful Nails for the Summer! Also, it helps your Nail Varnish to go on smoother.  

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! 


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