Sunday 8 June 2014

Halfterm Summary #6! | Believe In Beauty


It's that time again...Halfterm summary! You may or may not know that I was on my May Halfterm recently, so today I thought I would tell you what I got up to from Monday-Friday. 

Monday 26th May: Today I didn't do much, in the morning I was on my Laptop and then my Nan and Grampy came to visit, who were here for about 2 hours. I then went to Sainsbury's and then spent the rest of the evening on my Laptop and watched Eastenders! 

Tuesday 27th May: Today I was home alone all morning and afternoon, so I was very lonely! But...I blogged and watched lots of YouTube videos. My Mum and Sister then came home but I stayed in for the rest of the day as it was raining. I just went on my Laptop and did more blogging. I then had Dinner and watched Eastenders! 

Wednesday 28th May: Today I got up very late, so I didn't do much in the morning but in the afternoon I went Shopping with my Mum and Sister and we got a few bits and bobs. I then came home and had a Hot Chocolate and watched YouTube videos. I then had Dinner and had a chilled evening. 
Thursday 29th May: Thursday was another Laptop day. I literally spent the whole morning on my Laptop watching YouTube videos and writing Blog Posts. I also had a bit of a pamper morning and then spent the Afternoon taking picture's for my Spring Look Book as we had a little bit of Sun...but it soon started raining after that, so I was super lucky I got that done quickly. I also did a bit of Maths Homework :( Before then having Dinner and finishing the Day watching Eastenders and more YouTube videos...boring! 

Friday 30th May: In the Morning and late Afternoon I went Shopping to Tesco's with my! In the Afternoon I had my Lunch and then I spent the rest of the day a little bit obsessed with the Sims App! It's a bit ridiculous...I used to play Sims on the Computer years ago, but recently stopped playing it. Anyway...I had Dinner and then watched Eastenders and nearly ended up crying...such a weirdo! I then watched some YouTube videos and that was basically my day...boring! 

So that was my boring Halfterm! What did you get up to? Let me know in the comments! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.


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