Wednesday 1 January 2014

2013 Highlights! | Believe In Beauty


Happy New Year everyone! It's January 1st 2014 today! I hope everyone had a great New Years Eve and a great 2013 in general. Today I am going to be looking back at some of the Highlights in 2013. 

Before I begin, I would just like to announce some things that are happening on this Blog in 2014. I've decided that I am not going to have a schedule, but upload randomly. I know that is very unprofessional, but this year was quite tiring making sure I had a Post planned for Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. I will also have a lot more School work this year, and I believe that if there is less Posts, more work will go into them, so it should work out ok. This year there is going to be a lot more Beauty Reviews, as they took a step back at the end of 2013.  

January 2013: It didn't start off to good. I remember on New Years Day through the Night I woke up with a very Painful Ear and it turned out I had a Burst Ear Drum, which was so painful! That lasted for a week, and ruined my last week off before School. However, things got better and we had some Snow that Month, which meant a day off from School. I also went to watch a Pantomime at the end of the Month, which was good! 

February 2013: February started with my Friend's Birthday Meal/Sleepover which was a lot of fun! We then had Half Term in February and I went to see Little Mix. It was amazing and I can't wait to go again, (going in May!). I don't think anything else exciting happened in February. 

March 2013: At the start of March I was ill, which meant I had to miss out on a Dance Show which was annoying! However, it then got better because I went out for a Meal for my Grampy's Birthday and it was Mother's Day. I also went to see Matilda the musical that month, which was amazing! It then came to the end of the Month and I went Ice Skating and broke up from School, for Easter. Easter was a good last day of March. 

April 2013: At the beginning of April it was my Great Nan's 90th birthday, so we had celebrations! It was also Easter Holidays in which I didn't do much, but go to the Cinema and it was also my Uncle's birthday. I also got glasses that month and finished off the month going to see McFly, which was amazing! 

May 2013: May started with a trip to the Fair with my Friends, followed by a Bank Holiday and going to see Leona Lewis which was so good! May was just a month of School and boringness, but the last week was Half Term, which was ok. 

June 2013: June was busy! It started off with my Dad's birthday, so we had a meal out for that. It was then my Cousin's birthday, and then my other Cousin's birthday in which we had a meal out for that also, which was good! It was then my other Cousin's birthday and then my Mum's birthday! Right at the end of the Month, I did a mini Dance show at a School Fete, which was a lot of fun! June was a month of Birthday's and fun!  

July 2013: July was another busy month. At the beginning of the month I went on a School trip to Studland and Swanange Bay which I didn't like! I then had an Awards evening at School, where I got an award of Attainment in Psychology. I then had Maths, English and Science mocks at School, which I spent hours revising for! On top of that I also had my Grade 3 Piano Exam, which I passed with a Merit! Then, things got a bit better and I had this Campover thing with my Cousin and friends, which was fun. We then finished School for the Summer, and all my Family had a meal out! July was tiring. 
August 2013: August was a month of relaxation. I spent most of the days just chilling, but I also went to the Cinema, Strawberry Picking, Shopping twice, had my Hair Cut, had my Teeth out (horrible!), had a Family BBQ for my Nan's Birthday and then went on Holiday to Devon for a week, which was so much fun and it was great Weather! It was also my Sister's birthday and my Auntie's Birthday. August went by so quickly. 

September 2013: September was back to School, which was horrible. However, it was then my Birthday and for my Birthday me and my Friends went to Pizza Express and Ice Skating which was good. I had a really good Birthday, it was a Saturday, so I had the day off. I went out with my Family for the day. I also got lots of lovely Presents! Also that Month, my Friend had a Sleepover, where we camped out in the Garden which was fun! I also did a Dance Flash Mob, which was funny! At the end of the Month I got my Braces, which hurt so much! :( However, September was a good month. 

October 2013: At the beginning of the Month we had a Half-Day and an Inset Day, which was good. The Lush Christmas collection came out about now as well...yay! It was then my Nans 70th Birthday, so my Family went out for a meal for that. We then had a Strike Day off School, so me and my Friend went Shopping! It was then my Blog's 1st Birthday, which was nice! It was then Half Term, and the highlight of the Year then happened! I MET JLS AT A BOOK SIGNING! OMG! It was literally the best thing ever! Compared to that, the rest of the Half Term was boring, I just went Shopping with my Cousin and Friend, went to the Opticians, had my Hair Cut, and then it was Halloween! 

November 2013: At the start of November I went to watch a Firework Display and then I went to the Harry Potter Studio Tour, which was both amazing! Nothing really exciting happened in November, it was a tiring month of School and I spent the majority of it watching I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. I did also get my Room re-decorated. However, at the end of the Month, there was a Street Fair where I went with my Friends and it was good fun! 

December 2013: December was a great month. At the start of December, I had a Science ISA, which was not good, but then I had a Dance Show which was good. However, then I had a Science and Maths Mock, which I spent a lot of time revising for and I also had a French Speaking Controlled Assessment which was horrible. We then put up the Christmas Tree, which was fun! I then went to the final JLS Concert, which was so good, but so sad! We then broke up from School, and it was time for Christmas Day! My Christmas was great and I got lots of lovely Presents, including an iPhone 5s! And now we are at the New Year! My New Years Eve was spent with my Family and playing Cluedo and Monopoly!

So that was my Year! It was nice to look back and see what good things happened in 2013. 2013 was a good year, and hopefully 2014 is too! What are your highlights of 2013? 

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! 


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