Sunday 19 January 2014

How I Store: Lush Products (Updated!) | Believe In Beauty


Back in May 2013, I wrote THIS post on how I stored my Lush Products. I am a huge Lush fan, as everyone would know, but the way I was storing them previously was just not satisfying me. For Christmas I received a basic, but pretty Love Heart Cake Stand (from BHS), which are now use to display my Lush Products on. It sits on top of my Wicker draws, and fills up my whole room with a sweet, smelling scent. Here are some pictures to demonstrate. 
I think you would agree that this is a very cute way of storing your Lush products, it is definitely better than my previous post when I stored them in a white Wicker Basket. I also like that when you take a Bath Bomb or Bubble Bar off to use it, you can then replace it with a new Bath Bomb or Bubble Bar. I like how it is constantly changing. 

Unfortunately, not all my Lush products fit in here, so I have a few still hidden away in my Wicker Draws, and some are still in their Gift Sets from Christmas. My room is quite the Lush shop. 

Sorry this Post was quite short today, and picture heavy. I hope you liked it anyway though and I hope to continue this series this year, as it definitely got forgotten about last year. What things would you like to see how I store? Thanks for reading. 


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