Wednesday 14 May 2014

Mid-Week Pamper Pick-Me-Ups! | Believe In Beauty


Today I thought I would bring up the topic of pampering yourself's. It's ALWAYS important to take time out of the day to relax and there's no better way to do this than a pamper evening. However, I know lots of people run busy lifestyles and find it impossible to find time to do these things. Don't worry because I have found a way to fit this into your daily routines just nicely and that is what I'm sharing with you today. 

Personally, I recommend doing this on a Wednesday and a Sunday. A Wednesday because it's the middle of the week and your bound to feel tired and you need something to keep you going until the Weekend. A Sunday because it's the end of the week, your exhausted and you need something to prepare you for the busy week ahead. Let's begin...

1. The first step is to apply a Face Mask. My best recommendation for this is the Una Brennan Clay Mask, because it is a deep pore cleanser and frees your face of any dirt, smooths out the skin and evens out the skin tone. You should apply the Face Mask and then get in the Bath with it on. This might seem weird BUT the steam from the Bath will open your pores and let the Mask sink deeply in. 
2. The second step is to run a lovely Bath. Baths are way better than Showers on Pamper days. However, I know they can be boring so treat yourself to a Lush Bubble Bar or Bath Ballistic (or if you don't like Lush, some other Bath company but I personally recommend Lush) which will be really beneficial to the Skin, make you smell lovely and relax you. So jump in with your face mask on and maybe take a book to read, if you like reading or have enough time.  
 3. In the Bath, use your favourite body products, you need to pick a shower gel and exfoliator! Obviously I can't give you a recommendation for this but I normally use a Body Shop shower gel and I'm currently using the Satsuma one because I have a matching exfoliator for it as well. An exfoliator is really great for the Skin as it will get rid of all the dead skin cells and leave a smooth layer of Skin and the Shower Gel will make you smell lovely!
4. Get out of the Bath and rinse of your Face Mask and hopefully your Skin is feeling great! Now it's time to dry off and moisturise. I do have a recommendation for this and this is the Soap and Glory 'Butter Yourself' moisturiser, to leave your Skin feeling even more smooth and it dries very quickly, so there's no time wasted.
6. Have a drink and something to eat. I normally have a glass of milk or hot chocolate with 2 bourbons but you can have whatever.

7. Now do your everyday night time routine, cleaning your teeth, washing your face, e.t.c but wash your face with an exfoliator, to get rid of dead skin cells and leave an even base. Then it's time to moisturise your face, which will leave your Skin feeling very replenished. 
8. Now get into Bed! You could read a book, watch YouTube videos/TV/Film or just go straight to sleep. I normally watch YouTube videos for about half an hour. 

So that is the pamper routine complete! I do this every Wednesday and Sunday and it just slots in with my normal routine and takes about an hour. I love doing this and I think you will enjoy it just as much! Thanks for reading and I really hope you enjoyed! 


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