Sunday 18 May 2014

The Milkmaid Braid | Believe In Beauty


Sorry no Spring Look-book today, it is taking a bit longer than I first expected so bare with me whilst I get that sorted but it should be up in the next couple of weeks. 

Very recently Zoella made a video to show us all how she does a Milkmaid Braid. I loved the style and felt very inspired to try it on my own Hair today. It's very simple and even though I don't think I suit it, I tried it anyway. 
Zoella Milkmaid Braid
So here it is, it's very simple to do. All you need to do is plait two bits of your hair on either side of your head, and then wrap each Plait over the top of your Head and voila! I told you it was super easy! 

I think this Hairstyle is perfect for Spring/Summer because it has recently been quite hot and I've been wanting to get my Hair out of my face and neck and this has been a great Hairstyle for it. 

Thanks for reading and I really hope you enjoyed! 


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