Wednesday 7 May 2014

My Current Skincare Routine! | Believe In Beauty


Today I am going to be talking about something, that I rarely talk about and that is Skincare! Last year I got into a really good Skincare routine and my Skin was quite good and less spotty. However, from last August to January I very rarely stuck to it and my Skin has been a pain ever since and definitely more spotty. However, I've managed to get it all under control and I have developed a new Skincare routine which I think my Skin is thanking me for! I am going to share with you the products I use on a daily/weekly basis. 

Before I start I will just tell you about my Skin type. My Skin is definitely combination. It's very oily around my Nose and Chin, but also gets very dry down the tip of my Nose and on my Jaw line and then it's just normal everywhere else. 

Meet my Skincare products: 

1. The Body Shop Vitamin E 'Gentle Facial Wash': I use this every single day, morning and night to wash my Face. It is a very creamy wash, so like it says in the name it's gentle on my Skin and doesn't sting. It also removes make up, so it takes off my eyebrows very nicely (that sounds very weird). It also smells nice and overall I love it.   

2. The Body Shop Vitamin E 'Cream Exfoliator': Unlike the Face wash, I do not use this every single day. I only use it on Wednesday's and Sunday's. This has to be my favourite Exfoliator that I have ever tried. It gets rid of dry Skin patches and all the dead Skin cells and leaves my Face feeling very smooth and looking brighter. 

3. Simple Black Head Eliminating 'Face Scrub': I use this on Wednesday and Sunday's and mix it with my Body Shop Vitamin E 'Cream Exfoliator'. This does a good job as I have noticed a difference in my Skin, in the fact that I have a lot less Black heads now, and let's be one likes Black heads!

3. Clean And Clear 'Dual-Action Moisturiser': This moisturiser is another daily product, I use this morning and night. It works really well with my Skin. It's oil-free so being someone with greasy skin this is a massive bonus. My Skin is left feeling very smooth and it helps to tone down any Blemishes that I may have. I don't think it prevents Spots completely though!   

5. Una Brennan Tea Flower Deep Clean 'Pore Purifying Clay Mask: This has to be my favourite face mask that I've tried in a very long time. I used to love my Avon one, but this one has over took it. I use this twice a week, on Wednesday and Sunday. I leave it on for about 5 minutes and it gets deep into the Pores and clears all the dirt that may be in them. I can definitely notice a difference in my Skin straightaway, it is left feeling smoother, brighter and has a more even profile. 

6. Simple Rapid Action 'Spot Zapper': Gah, no matter how hard I try and keep in my routine those pesky spots will never disappear, to be honest I think they are just annoying Teenage ones. I pop this on my Spots and it cools them down and helps to remove any redness and makes them look less noticeable. It's also really gentle for my sensitive skin. Although, it doesn't really get rid of the spot straightaway it's only £5.00 so I'm not complaining. Obviously, I just use this whenever I have a Spot. 

7. Bio Oil: Thank goodness for Bio Oil. From not caring for my Skin over the Christmas period, all that unhealthy eating placed a ton of Spots on the bottom of my Chin. I picked them away and they didn't fully go until February. However, they've scarred really badly so I've been using this Bio Oil and it is slowly fading them away each day. I use this at night time, when my Skin does the most repairing. 

8. The Body Shop Nutriganics 'Smoothing Night Cream': Now,I know this is for the first signs of ageing, but I do not use it every day. I use it about 1-2 times a week, at night time (when your Skin does the most repairing) just over my pores. I think it's smoothing them out so they look less noticeable and hopefully it will prevent them from getting any bigger because nobody likes pores. It's also really moisturising, so leaves my Skin feeling smooth. 

9. EOS Strawberry Lip Balm: Finally, I know this doesn't really count as a Skincare product, but I thought I would include it anyway because I use it on my Lips, which are on my Face! This Lip Balm is really nice and smells of Strawberries. It keeps my Lips from being chapped and are left feeling very smooth and there's no horrible dry bits. Also, it helps for Lip Glosses to go on better. 

So, they are the 9 products that I use to control my very annoying Skin. Maybe one day my Skin will be perfect and spot-free, but I doubt it. I can't remember the last day I didn't have one noticeable spot. :( 

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed and have been inspired to get into a better Skincare routine like me! 


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