Friday 28 June 2013

My Favourite Summer Nail Varnishes! | Believe In Beauty


So only a week late but finally it is officially Summer (although it doesn't feel like it!) you know what that means! It's time for me to show you my absolute favourite Summer nail varnishes! Let's go! 
From left to right we have Maybelline in 170 Flamant Rose, Barry M in 294 Cyan Blue, Barry M in 317 Greenberry, Barry M in 296 Coral and Models Own Bubblegum. 
First is this lovely Maybelline nail varnish in 170 Flamant Rose. I love this colour! It's like a bright summery pink and stands out lovely on your nails. It is really good quality and you only need 2 coats for a high, quality finish. It's quite cheap and is overall lovely, really love this for Summer!
Next is this Barry M nail varnish in 294 Cyan Blue. It is a really bright blue and perfect for sunny days! I love Barry M nail varnishes and this is great quality, like all Barry M nail varnishes. It finishes off with lovely quality and just makes me feel all summery! 
Next is another Barry M nail varnish in 317 Greenberry. You all know my love for the colour Mint Green, which is obviously a pastel colour for Spring, so when Spring is over, it's sad to see this get thrown to the bottom of the pile and not worn much in Summer. However, when I saw this bright Mint Green colour from Barry M, I was so happy. It's Barry M for starters and is a lovely colour. I bet I'm going to wear this the most! I'm so happy with this Summery colour, I just love, love, love it! 
Yet again is another Barry M nail varnish in 296 Coral. This is a beautiful coral orangey colour, which is very bright and so appropriate for Summer. It's summery and looks great on the Nails, and obviously is perfect for Summer and is great quality because it's Barry M! Love this, yay! 
Finally is another one of my absolute favourites and this is the Model's Own nail varnish in Bubblegum. This is a bright florescent pink colour and is going to look great with tanned hands in the Summer holidays! It's so pretty and so bright, almost too bright for your eyes haha! It's amazing quality and I just love it! It was my 1st models own colour, yay! It's £5.00, which is my most expensive, but oh well! :)

I just love all these Nail Varnishes! I'm going to be doing swatches of each Nail Varnishes in another post, so keep your eyes peeled for that! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!


Thursday 27 June 2013

End Of June Haul! | Believe In Beauty


As we head towards the end of June I thought why not sit and type up an end of June Haul. I went shopping on Sunday, I have to be honest though, I didn't buy an awful lot, but I did buy a few things, which I love! I definitely need to go on a big shopping spree soon, who wants to join me?! ;) 
First up I have some Models Own nail varnish in 'Bubblegum', it was from Boots and was about £5.00, love, love, love this! Then brought some Barry M Clear top coat, base coat and nail hardener (all in one!), from Superdrug and I think this was about £2.99? Finally, I just have the Miss Sporty clear mascara for my brows, (this is a re-purchase), this is so good and is around the £2.99-£3.99 mark! Happy with these little purchases! 
Then I have my daily skin products. I just brought The Body Shop vitamin E facial wash, which is about £8 and The Body Shop vitamin E sink-in moisture mask, which is about £11. This is the first time I have brought the face mask, looking forward to trying it, as I love the facial wash.  
Next up is this adorable Mini-Munchkin chocolate from Hotel Chocolat. I was just in there browsing for my cousins birthday and I saw this cute little chocolate, so I had to buy it, I couldn't possibly leave it there. It was £1.50 and I bet is going to be delicious! 
How cool are the Lush bags? Bright Pink! 
 No shopping trip would be complete without going to Lush now would it?! I brought 'Rose Jam', it smells amazing, so strongly of a Rose scent (obvs!) and it fills up my room with this nice scent, it's lovely! It was around £3.50 I think. Yay for Lush purchases!   
I had a Topshop voucher, so I thought I would spend it on some socks. I got 3 for £8 and I chose this really cute panda pair, a grey frilly pair and a mint green frilly pair. I love Topshop socks! I also got some average Black socks for School, but I loved the pastel colours on the toes and ankles. I do love a good pastel colour after all! These were from Marks and Spencer's and around £4 I think. 
Finally I just brought a Black pair of leggings. Over the weekend two pairs of my leggings got holes in! So I was in need of some new leggings. These are from Marks and Spencer's and are a thick material and feel good high quality. They are not too see-through and are overall quite nice and comfy! I'm not sure the price as they had some money off, the price before the money off, was about £8-£9, I think!  

So yeah, that is all I brought. It's not an awful lot, but I thought you might all enjoy a Haul! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! 


Wednesday 26 June 2013

What's To Come On Believe In Beauty! | Believe In Beauty


I think we need to start with an apology! I haven't posted a proper post in a week. This is awful. I don't really have a proper excuse, apart from the fact that I've been super busy. I had planned to upload my post about 'My Favourite Summer Nail Varnishes' on Friday, but I was round a friend's house, so plans got changed. I planned to upload it over the weekend instead, but the time just went. Saturday, I was busy with my friend and Sunday I was shopping, doing homework and I had my cousin's birthday! So I was going to leave that post for a while and upload a post on Monday, on 'My Favourite Lush Soaps', but Monday was my Mum's birthday and things were too hectic. Then Tuesday is my busiest day of the week, and here we are on Wednesday. Being so busy means I've missed a number of episodes of Eastenders and two episodes of Waterloo Road, that I have been catching up on and YouTube videos of course! 

In the next few weeks, there may be fewer posts. I'm going on a Geography Trip, have a few important mock exams coming up, which I definitely need to revise for, and were coming to the end of School and things are getting busy.
So posts coming up on my Blog in the next couple of days are...

  • My favourite Lush soaps
  • Haul
  • My favourite Summer Nail Varnishes
  • Lush reviews
  • Are we due a Nail Design post? I think so!
  • And lots, lots more! 
I like doing these chit-chatty updates, do you like them? Let me know! Normal blogging continues tomorrow and I'm going to make July a lot better!


Thursday 20 June 2013

100th Post! | Believe In Beauty


So today is an exciting post, from the title it is my '100th Post' on Believe In exciting?! To some people it might just be '100th post and what? I've got like 1000 posts'. To me, this is a special moment. I'm so proud that I've actually managed to write 100 posts and have 100 ideas to write about. Ok, so some posts are better than others and some posts are short and others too long, but I'm proud of every single one of them. 

Since I started blogging on October 22nd 2012, I have loved every single moment of it. Getting new products to review, taking pictures, taking pictures of outfits to write about, trying out Lush products and documenting bits of my life. So today, I wanted to take a look back on some of my posts from October until June, just like vintagelovehearts did, I purely got my idea from her! 

October: October was the month where I started blogging. I started towards the end of the month, so there was only 4 posts. I just talked about Lush and Halloween. Along with a review of some Batiste dry shampoo...oh how exciting! 

November: I was just trying to get into the swing of things with Blogging, so there weren't too many posts. I talked about Lush, my halfterm, Autumn/Winter must haves, did a TAG and did a really fun interview with vintagelovehearts. 

December: December was a Blogging month FAIL! All things Christmassy got in the way, and being ill really didn't help. But this December, I've made plans to be better at blogging. I've literally made plans, I know what sorts of posts I want to about being organised! ;) Little off subject there, but I just wished you a Merry Christmas in one post and a Happy New Year in another post! 

January: January, the start of a new year, and I had promised a better blog. I was just trying to find my feet again with blogging, after taking a month off, so there was a little amount of posts. I talked about 2012 highlights, perfumes, MUA lip booms, Origins spot remover and did my 1st OOTD.
February: February was where blogging started to kick in. I talked about Nail Varnish Removers, Soap and Glory sugar crush body scrub, hair tips, told you a little bit about myself, did an iPhone TAG, another Halfterm Summary, my 1st get ready with me and discovered I loved doing Lush Hauls and reviews! I finished off the month with a February highlights post. 

March: March was the month I had a little system going on, on my blog. We had posts on Sundays and Wednesdays and the system worked well with little posts in between these days! Some of my favourite posts from that month were Magic Mushroom Alert, Teeny Tiny Treats, 10 things in my bedroom TAG, the London TAG and finished off with a Happy Easter post.

April: April was my best blogging month so far. I blogged every day, yes 30 posts in 30 days. I did love doing this, but I'm not going to lie, it was tough! But I loved doing it and I am proud of all of my posts from that month. I couldn't possibly pick a favourite!

May: May was obviously not as good as April, but I still did 18 posts. We had a few TAGS, OOTDs, Lush Hauls and Reviews! Just your average blogging month really. 

June: Here we are now. June 20th and June has been a bad blogging month. I've had a lot to do, and had a cold and stuff and no motivation. I did really like my D.I.Y post and my second empties and I also talked about my boring half term. And I did this very exciting post! 

I know this seems a bit of an excessive posts for being happy about doing 100 posts, but I don't care! I'm happyyyyyyy. Here's to the next 100 posts! :D


Wednesday 19 June 2013

My Pamper Morning Routine! | Believe In Beauty


So today I thought I would do a post on my 'Typical Pamper Morning Routine'. I got the idea from when Zoella, did her video on 'My Pamper Evening Essentials'. When I'm at School, I find it hard to do a pamper evening, in the evening, as I always have Homework, e.t.c. But when it's the Weekends or Half Terms, I always find it's easier to do it in the morning, so that is why this is my Pamper Morning Routine. I love Pamper mornings! 
The first step, (after having a nice Breakfast and stuff), is to take off any old Nail Varnish. You don't want to start a Pamper morning with chipped Nail Varnish, it just won't be nice. So I take that off straightaway by using a Sally Hansen Nail Polish remover. I will then rinse my face with some Water and apply a Face Mask. The one I'm currently using and loving, is the Avon 'Planet Spa' one. It's lovely and smells amazing! You have to leave it on for about 15-20 minutes, so in this time I will relax and read a book. I'm currently reading 'Catching Fire', and it's so good (even though I'm only on chapter 3!). If you don't like reading, you could go on your iPad or Laptop, or just sit and chill for 20 minutes, what ever pleases you! I also know some people like to have Face Masks in the Bath, but if you're washing your Hair, you could easily wash it off and it won't work its full potential! ;) 
Cinders and Pop In The Bath. I didn't have much left of the Pop In The Bath! 
When the Face Mask is done, I will rinse it off and then run a nice Bath. On pamper mornings I always like to use Lush products in my Bath! Today I decided to crumble the rest of my 'Pop In The Bath' bubble bar, for some Bubbles and then I popped in my 'Cinders' bath ballistic for some enjoyment and colour. It has popping candy in it, which is so cool! Once your Bath is run, it's time to get in it. 
This was the bubbles Pop In The Bath produced...perfect for a pamper morning!
The colour of the water after Cinders...a little bit weird?! 

In the Bath I will wash my Hair. I will use some luxury high-end shampoo and conditioner. I am going to treat myself to the James Brown shampoo and conditioner, which is really lovely. I will also use a hair mask and the one I'm currently using is the Avon 'Planet Spa', which is so lovely. After I get out of the Bath I will use the Avon Moroccan Oil, this stuff is amazing!
In the Bath I will treat myself to some Soap and Glory products. I like to use the Soap and Glory Sugar Crush Body Scrub, along with the Soap and Glory Sugar Crush Body Wash. After spending a long time in the Bath, I will get out and then put some clothes on. Before putting clothes on I will moisturise my body with a nice body lotion. I've decided to use the Christina Aguilera one, as I see this as a little luxury. Plus, it smells amazing!
After I'm all washed and moisturised, it's time to wash my Face. I will exfoliate my face with the 'Simple Blackhead Eliminating Scrub' and then cleanse it with the 'Body Shop Vitamin E Face Wash', 2 lovely products. Then I will moisturise my Face with the 'Champneys Moisturising Day Cream', this is a mini sampler, but so far I am loving it! So that's all the products I will use on my Face. My Face is then done and it's then time to paint my Nails! 
On a Pamper morning, I always like to leave my Hair to dry naturally. Whilst leaving it to dry naturally, is the perfect opportunity to paint my Nails. Today I've opted for 'Barry M Peach Melba', as this is one of my favourites and it's such a lovely colour! You could also spend a little while buffing and polishing your Nails, if you like doing that, but I'm not going to. 

Once your Nails are done, your Pamper Morning is complete! I love having these Pamper mornings and I don't think I do them often enough! I really hope you enjoyed this post as it has been slightly different to my normal posts. I have put a lot of effort into making this post, but I really enjoyed making it at the same time. Thanks for reading, and see you in my next post!  


Monday 17 June 2013

Lush: Mumkin Bubble Bar Review! | Believe In Beauty


Shall we make this a weekly feature? Reviewing Lush products on a Monday?! Last week I reviewed the Gingerbread House Bubble Bar (link HERE!) and today I am reviewing the Mumkin Bubble Bar. I do love a good bubble bar! I'm sorry you can't get it anymore, and this is so late, forgive me?! Here is the LINK on the LUSH website, if you were interested, you're probably not but, oh well... 
This is the very cute Mumkin. I think it is just so adorable! Lush state on their website that they don't know what kind of creature the Mumkin is, but it's adorable nonetheless. The Mumkin is £2.75, which is really good for the amount of good things I have to say about it! This is a bubble bar that lasts for absolutely ages. All you do is break a bit off of it and crumble it under the running water. I got 8 baths out of it, because you only need the tiniest bit to crumble under the water. I thought that was pretty impressive! The tiny chocolate button (?) eyes melt away like chocolate, which was a little weird, and the leaf and stalk just melted away like the rest of the bubble bar. 

I really liked the smell of this! Like the Gingerbread House, I wasn't too sure about it at first, when it wasn't in the water, but once in the water it smelt delicious and lingered on my skin for a few hours (I would have liked longer!) and left the bathroom, (and the landing upstairs!), with a beautiful aroma. The smell is sweet and fruity, very similar to Raspberries. The featured ingredient is Lemon Oil, this could represent the fruity smell?! It also left my skin feeling fresh and smooth, oh how I love the lovely things Lush put in their products! 
 This picture above shows the amount of Bubbles I got with just using half of the yellow top of the bubble bar. It did tint the bath water a very faint yellow, a bit like you had weed in the bath. I can't decide whether I liked that, or if it made it a bit unpleasant... It did slowly fade away though.
This was a picture taken when using the pinky/redy bit on the Mumkin. It also produced tons and tons of soft sweet-scented bubbles, with a tiny amount of product used! It tinted the bath water a very, VERY, faint pink and it kind of just faded away and went back to normal bath water which was depressing. I do love it when a Lush product tints the bath! 

I really did love this bubble bar! It smelt lovely, was cheap, made lots of bubbles, lasted for ages, made my skin smooth and fresh, slightly tinted the bath water and overall made the bath relaxing and pleasant! I love a good Lush product from time to time! :)

I really hope you enjoyed reading this! Let me know if you want me to make this a regular feature, I sure will! Thanks for reading!


Friday 14 June 2013

Nail Designs: Pastel Glitter Tips! | Believe In Beauty


So today's post is going to be the start of a series I'm going to be starting. Like my D.I.Y series, I am also going to be starting a Nail Designs series. This is going to be a series where I show you some really simple Nail Designs. There will be no amazing, fancy, Nail Art, just simple effective designs. I'm really bad at Nail Art, so this is going to be simple ones, for all the people out there like me haha! Here goes...

So today's Nail Design is 'Glitter Tops'. I have been experimenting recently with what colours suit 'Glitter Tops' best, I found it to actually be Pastel colours. I tried it on the tips of my favourite pastel colours and here are the results. I think you would agree that it is lovely! 

Glitter tops are so easy to create! All you do is just paint a thin glitter line at the tip of your Nail and voila! There you have it. I love this effect so much, it's so pretty and adds a lovely touch to Nails, but keeps it simple at the same time. 

Let me know if you try this out, or already have done it! My next Nail Designs post will hopefully be up in the near future. I think this is going to be a series I'm going to love! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. 


Wednesday 12 June 2013

My 'Collection' Nail Varnishes! | Believe In Beauty


I really like showing you my Nail Varnishes and what collections I have and stuff. I really enjoyed doing my Barry M Nail Varnish collection (link HERE). Today I thought I would show you my 'Collection' Nail Varnishes. Anyone else wish Collection was still called Collection 2000?! Here goes...
Here they are! From left to right we have...

1. '36' Ninja 

2. '35' Dynasty

3. '41' Swizzles

4. '40' Tutti Fruity

5. '5' Siren

6. '33' Button Moon

I really do think the Collection Nail Varnishes are really good quality for how cheap they are. Ok, you may need a few coats to get a definite colour, but they finish with a shine and they don't chip straightaway, like you think they would, as they are so cheap. Collection have a great range of colours and I'm sad I don't have more, because I really do like them. I have also done some swatches on my Nail Wheel for you to show you the great finish that they give! 
Here I have swatched them for you. From left to right it does '36' Ninja, '35' Dynasty, '41' Swizzles, '40' Tutti Fruity, '5' Siren' and 33 'Button Moon'. The colours are all gorgeous and finish with a beautiful shine and glossiness. I also really love the names what they have been given, very inventive and creative! 

I hope you enjoyed this very quick Post showing you my collection and a mini review of the 'Collection' Nail Varnishes! Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed! 

What do you think of Collection Nail Varnishes? Do you have many? Which ones do you have? What are your favourites? 


Monday 10 June 2013

Lush: Gingerbread House Bubble Bar Review! | Believe In Beauty


I'm so sorry I haven't blogged in ages! I've really been slacking recently, but this week I want to get back on track! For today's post I'm going to be reviewing the Gingerbread House bubble bar from Lush. I know this seems pretty pointless as you can't get it at the moment, but I wanted to do it anyway, as I love doing Lush reviews! Here is the LINK on the LUSH website, just in case you wanted to read more about it! :)
Here it is! As you can see it is a really good sized bubble bar, which I managed to get 8 baths out of. I thought that was pretty impressive! The smell is a typical Christmas scent that you would expect from Lush and smells like Ginger and spices. The smell is a bit too strong for my liking when it's not in the bath, but when in the bath it's a really nice soothing scent, which isn't too strong and lingers in the bathroom and on your skin for a good couple of hours. The bubble bar also leaves your skin feeling moisturised and so, so soft! 
Along with getting 8 baths out of it, it also produced tons and tons of lovely sweet smelling bubbles for you to bathe in, which did stay in the bath for a good amount of time. It also tinted the bath a bright orange colour, which I thought made the bath more fun and it was a nice little extra to have. I'm not really sure how much this bubble bar is, as I brought it back in October, it may have been around the £4 mark, which I guess isn't too bad. I probably would buy this again if I ever got the chance. I really did like it.

So that's it! Just a really quick review on it. I didn't want to make it too long as it probably didn't interest many of you. I really enjoyed this though! You get a good amount of baths out of it, it smells lovely, moisturises the skin, produces lots of bubbles and tints the bath Orange...what's not too like?

I really hope you enjoyed this and maybe found it useful?! Probably not haha! Thanks for reading and see you in my next post! 


Friday 7 June 2013

D.I.Y Photo Frame! | Believe In Beauty


So today's post is going to be a little different. I thought today I would do a D.I.Y for you all! I recently brought a love heart photo frame from Next, although it came with lovely prints in it, I wanted to put my own spin on it. So in this post, I'm going to be telling you what you need and what to do! 
Buy a photo frame! This is my chosen one, I love it!
You will need blue tack for sticking the pictures on the template, scissors for cutting any pictures in half or for them to fit, a pencil to draw the outline and a rule to measure! 
You need some pictures to go inside the photo frame obviously. I chose Cath Kidston postcard prints, I love them!
This piece of paper with the original prints was already in the photo frame. Very lucky and super easy to work with. 
This is what they look like when you've stuck them down. As you can see some are overlapping, but some have been cut, but both are fine. If you want to cut and do it the proper way, by all means do, but if your lazy like me, then just overlap them. You can stick them down with Blue Tack...easy peasy! Sorry the bottom one is missing, I had took the picture before sticking it down...silly me!
This is the finished result, I just love it! 
You will need:

♥ Photo Frame

♥ Prints to put inside, either Cath Kidston postcards (like me), wallpaper prints, pictures from the internet or family and friend pictures. 

♥ Scissors

♥ Blue Tack

♥ Ruler

♥ Pencil 

How to create this photo frame:

♥ First of all buy your Photo frame. I chose this love heart one from Next, which was £16. It's a good value for money and has lots of room for pictures. 

♥ Then choose photos to put inside. I chose Cath Kidston postcard prints as I thought it added a nice effect to it. 

♥ Open up the photo frame and hopefully there should be some template pictures in it. Very lucky with this one as there was a full piece of paper with the prints on (see picture 4). This was very handy to see the exact size. 

♥ However, if your not lucky enough to have templates, it's the ruler, scissors and pencil for you! You will need to measure your pictures and draw an outline on them to be able to cut them out! Once you've cut them out, just put them in the photo frame. Follow the next step if your not cutting them out. 

♥ With the full template coming with the photo frame, I barely did any cutting. I think I cut about 3 out of 9 of the prints I was using. I cut 2 in half to use twice and the birdy/flowery print at the bottom out. I then positioned the prints on the template (some overlapped but that's fine!) and then stuck the pictures down on the template with blue tack, very simple, see picture 5 if you don't understand. Make sure they fit in the frame ok though, it's a bit of trial and error!

♥ Once there stuck down, place them in your photo frame.

♥ You should now have a lovely looking photo frame for your bedroom. You could even put it in the living room, kitchen, dining room, conservatory...wherever, it's very versatile! 

I hope you found this useful. I realised I'm really not very good at explaining how I did it. Hopefully with the pictures and words it was ok! Let me know if you enjoyed, please request, because I need ideas and I love comments! Thanks for reading!


Thursday 6 June 2013

Empties #2! | Believe In Beauty


*Sorry I haven't uploaded since Sunday. I don't really have an excuse but I was going to upload yesterday, but instead I went out for a meal for my Dad's birthday and then went to see my cousin for her birthday, so I didn't have time! Sorry, but I'm going to be uploading today and tomorrow!* 

So today's post is going to be another Empties! I really enjoy writing and reading these kind of Posts, I find them interesting for some reason?! I've already done one of these before, so if you haven't read it and would like to, here is the LINK. Let's get started! 
First are some Impulse body sprays in 'Very Pink', 'Into Glamour' and 'True Love'. These are mini ones and I got them for Christmas in a set! They all smell lovely and stay on your Clothes for ages! They are also good for travelling and for putting into your bag, will repurchase bigger sizes of these. Then I just have my favourite deodorant which is the Sure 'Bright' one, it smells amazing! I might buy a different one next time though, just to make my life more exciting! ;)
Next I have some face products. First is The Body Shop tea tree pore minimiser. I've had this for a while and use it daily. I'm not sure if I will repurchase it but I did it enjoy it, if you want a review let me know! Next I just have The Body Shop Vitamin E face wash, cream exfoliator and moisture lotion. These are all my  favourite skin care products and I use them daily! I've already re purchased all of these. Finally, I have the Simple blackhead eliminating scrub. This is really good and gets rid of blackheads so quickly! I'm definitely going to repurchase this whenever I next get blackheads (they've all gone for now!) and it's not too expensive either! 
Next I have The Body Shop strawberry shower gel, this is a mini size what I also got for Christmas and it's just your average shower gel really. Smells amazing and lathered up really well! I've got a few more to use up, before I repurchase this and I might get the bigger size! Next up I have a Sanctuary body scrub, this smelt nice and left my skin feeling so smooth! It was a really lovely product and was soft to the skin as well, I'm not sure where you can buy it, so it might be difficult to repurchase it. Finally I have finished up the Cath Kidston bluebell hand cream. This was so soothing in the cold winter months and throughout the cold spring and made my hands feel so soft and got rid of dry skin. It smelt really nice and lasted for absolutely ages. A little bit goes a long way! Will definitely repurchase this sometime in the future.
Some random bits now. First I have the Avon advance techniques moroccan oil. This stuff is AMAZING! It makes my hair so smooth and well conditioned and smells lovely, I have already repurchased this! Next is this No 7 stay perfect top coat. I have reviewed this HERE and I really loved it. It made my nails shiny and helped with chipping. I will probably buy this again, but if not, I'm going to get a Barry M one, as they are also good. Next is this  Pretty Quik' instant nail polish remover. I really wanted to try this after seeing it on vintagelovehearts blog and I really enjoyed using it, it's quick and easy, might buy it again. Finally I have this Natural Collection clear mascara. I used this for my brows, it wasn't the best, but it still did a good job. I'm not going to repurchase this straightaway, as I already have one from Miss Sporty that I'm going to use first! 
The last two products are Face Masks. First I have the Simple deep cleansing face mask. I really enjoyed this, it made my skin feel smooth and nourished and in a good condition. I think my Mum has already ordered a new face mask from Avon, so I probably won't repurchase this straightaway. The final empty product is the Avon planet spa face mask. This was also amazing, it smelt really nice, left my skin feeling lovely and it felt it a much better conditioned and replenished. I don't know if Avon are still doing this, but I would really like to buy it again, I don't think it was too expensive either. 

So that's all my empty products! I really like writing these posts and I will definitely do more of these in the future! Comment if you want any reviews as I will be very happy to do them! :) Also comment if you have any requests as I am always open to them! I do love getting comments. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed!


Sunday 2 June 2013

Halfterm Summary #3! | Believe In Beauty


So today is going to be a Halfterm Summary. I have been on Halfterm the week just gone and thought I would document the week, like I have done two times before. If you would like to read these, the link to my Halfterm summary #1 is HERE and the link to my Halfterm summary #2 is HERE...enjoy! 

Monday: It was a Bank Holiday Monday today, but I did nothing! I just stayed at home and watched some YouTube videos and wrote some Blog Posts, oh how exciting! ;) I went out into the Garden to take my OOTD photo's, and ended up playing with my Dogs and Rabbits! I then just spent the rest of the day/evening on my Laptop and watching Miranda, oh it's so funny! :)

Tuesday: Tuesday was again, no exciting day. I started the day with a 'Pamper Morning', which is going to be a post coming very soon! Then I did some experimentation with Nail designs on my Nail Wheels, which will all be posts coming soon too! I then just watched YouTube videos for the rest of the day and finished off the day by watching Eastenders. Tuesday was so boring. 

Wednesday:  Wednesday again I did nothing! In the afternoon I did go out though! But not too a very exciting place. But when I got back from there, I went to Tesco's'...yay, not. I just spent the rest of the day catching up on YouTube videos and watching Eastenders and Waterloo Road. I've really become addicted to Waterloo Road lately, not really sure why, I  find myself each week not being able to wait for the next week's episode. Anyone else watch Waterloo Road?!
*This is not my picture*
Don't they look so yummy?! I want to eat them! :D 
Thursday: Thursday was slightly more interesting. First I went shopping with my Dad and changed my Nail Varnish, as I brought a Models Own one and when I got home it had broken! Then I came back and went to get my Hair Cut. I swear each time I go it gets shorter! Then I went to Toys 'R' Us, to get something for my cousins birthday, oh isn't it a great shop?! ;) Then I had a McDonald's....yuuuuuum. Then I watched Eastenders! Boring! 

Friday: Today I got up late (again!). I went out with my Mum and then me, my Mum and my sister went to the Garden Centre. Oh what fun! ;) Then we called into Next, so I could get that Loveheart picture Frame I showed you all in my 'Small Collective Haul' post, link HERE! Then I came home and just chilled and watched Eastenders! What nice weather it was today too! :)

So that was just my Halfterm summary from Monday to Friday! My halfterm has been pretty boring, but it's better than being at School I suppose! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed nonetheless. Hopefully I can post regularly in June, but I expect School will be pretty busy seeing as it's getting to the end of the School year! 
