Sunday 2 June 2013

Halfterm Summary #3! | Believe In Beauty


So today is going to be a Halfterm Summary. I have been on Halfterm the week just gone and thought I would document the week, like I have done two times before. If you would like to read these, the link to my Halfterm summary #1 is HERE and the link to my Halfterm summary #2 is HERE...enjoy! 

Monday: It was a Bank Holiday Monday today, but I did nothing! I just stayed at home and watched some YouTube videos and wrote some Blog Posts, oh how exciting! ;) I went out into the Garden to take my OOTD photo's, and ended up playing with my Dogs and Rabbits! I then just spent the rest of the day/evening on my Laptop and watching Miranda, oh it's so funny! :)

Tuesday: Tuesday was again, no exciting day. I started the day with a 'Pamper Morning', which is going to be a post coming very soon! Then I did some experimentation with Nail designs on my Nail Wheels, which will all be posts coming soon too! I then just watched YouTube videos for the rest of the day and finished off the day by watching Eastenders. Tuesday was so boring. 

Wednesday:  Wednesday again I did nothing! In the afternoon I did go out though! But not too a very exciting place. But when I got back from there, I went to Tesco's'...yay, not. I just spent the rest of the day catching up on YouTube videos and watching Eastenders and Waterloo Road. I've really become addicted to Waterloo Road lately, not really sure why, I  find myself each week not being able to wait for the next week's episode. Anyone else watch Waterloo Road?!
*This is not my picture*
Don't they look so yummy?! I want to eat them! :D 
Thursday: Thursday was slightly more interesting. First I went shopping with my Dad and changed my Nail Varnish, as I brought a Models Own one and when I got home it had broken! Then I came back and went to get my Hair Cut. I swear each time I go it gets shorter! Then I went to Toys 'R' Us, to get something for my cousins birthday, oh isn't it a great shop?! ;) Then I had a McDonald's....yuuuuuum. Then I watched Eastenders! Boring! 

Friday: Today I got up late (again!). I went out with my Mum and then me, my Mum and my sister went to the Garden Centre. Oh what fun! ;) Then we called into Next, so I could get that Loveheart picture Frame I showed you all in my 'Small Collective Haul' post, link HERE! Then I came home and just chilled and watched Eastenders! What nice weather it was today too! :)

So that was just my Halfterm summary from Monday to Friday! My halfterm has been pretty boring, but it's better than being at School I suppose! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed nonetheless. Hopefully I can post regularly in June, but I expect School will be pretty busy seeing as it's getting to the end of the School year! 


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