Sunday 31 March 2013

Happy Easter! | Believe In Beauty


So it's Easter today if you didn't already know!

I hope you all have a really good Easter and that you've got some yummy eggs. I can't wait to start munching on mine...haha! 

Even if you don't celebrate Easter I still hope you are having a nice day!

Anyone doing any Easter Egg hunts? You're never too old for them!!

Anyone try any of the Lush Easter products? I didn't try many this year I have to admit. I've still got too many products from the Christmas collection! 

Happy Easter! See you in April for more Blogging fun!! :D 


P.S- Some cute Easter picture's for you all to look at!

Couldn't forget a Lush product now could I?! 

Saturday 30 March 2013

The London Tag! | Believe In Beauty


Today I'm going to be doing the London Tag! I saw the Questions on Vintagelovehearts blog so I'd thought I'd give it a go! I don't go to London much, so my answers might be quite bad, but oh well!

1. Favourite place for breakfast?
Never in London for Breakfast but I'd think I'd get a McDonalds breakfast haha!

2. Favourite Boots and Superdrug?
Never been to a Superdrug or Boots in London I don't think? May have been to a Boots in Oxford Street or Regent Street once?  

3. Favourite beauty hall?
Never been to one, ha-ha! I'm so bad at answering these questions oh dear!

4. Favourite area for everything?
Oxford Street, so many shops OMG! Or Piccadilly Circus, that's cool!!

5. Favourite park for walks?
Hyde Parks a nice Park in London! That's the only one I know to be honest!

6. Tip for the tube?
If you know the Tube is going to be busy don't go and sit down when it's your stop otherwise you will get blocked in and people won't move so you will miss you stop! Happen to me before, so scary! Or don't have valuebles on show in your bag because people will steal them!

7. What would your perfect day out in London include?
Shopping in Oxford Street, going to see like a Musical in the Theatre in the afternoon and then followed by a meal in a lovely restaurant!

8. Favourite gallery/museum?
I went to the Imperial War Museum like ages ago in London and that was really cool, and the National History museum is good as well!!

9. Your London secret?
Don't really get this question but my secret is...I've only been to see one Musical/show in a Theatre in London!

10. Somewhere good to eat?
Hm, probably like Prezzo or just McDonalds haha!

That's all the Questions, this was probably really boring so sorry about that. Hope you enjoyed nonetheless! Thanks for reading!


Thursday 28 March 2013

Shopping Wishlist! | Believe In Beauty


I finished School today for 2 weeks so expect a lot of Blog posts! I'm so excited to write all my upcoming ones for April! :) 

Today's Post is just going to be a quick one showing you some things I want to buy soon! It's only 6 things but I thought it would be a cool post to do, I got the idea off of vintagelovehearts! 

1. Topshop Leigh Jeans: When I brought my first pair I couldn't decide out of 3, these were the other two I really liked (plus another pair but they're not petite so won't fit!), I asked my Mum to buy them for me for Easter but I told her to surprise me so not sure which pair I'm getting! These are £38.00! 

2. JLS Love Perfume: This is JLS' second perfume. I smelt it in the shop and really loved it. I love the bottle as well. I can't wait to buy this sometime soon! It's £14.00 from Boots.

3. Mint Green Vans: I love these Vans so much! I love the colour of them and seeing as it's Spring (well more like Winter!) they are so appropriate for this season. These are £52 (*sad face*) and from Next!

4. Carrot Reusable Bubble Bar: I think this is so cute! It came out last year but unfortunately I didn't get to try it so I really want to try it this year before it goes again, I haven't got that long to buy it! It smells amazing when I smelt it in the shop. It's £4.95 from Lush! 

5. Bubblegum Lip Scrub: I ran out of this ages ago and I loved it the first time round so I really want to buy it again. It's so good and smells amazing! I have to get this as soon as possible!! This is £5.25 (pricey!) from Lush!

6. Polka Dot iPad Mini Case: I saw this when writing my iPad Case Review (Link Here:) and  I really liked it. It's very cute and these cases are amazing! Maybe I will buy it as a spare! This is £8.99 from Amazon! 

I hope you enjoyed reading this and maybe now you want to buy anything I showed?! 

I will be uploading the London Tag either tomorrow or Saturday so look out for that! 


Wednesday 27 March 2013

iPad Mini Case Review! | Believe In Beauty


For Christmas I got an iPad Mini and I love it to pieces. I'm quite a clumsy person and I wanted to keep it as safe as possible so I brought a lovely case for it from Amazon which was suppose to be £24.99 and I brought it for £9.89. You save £15.10 which is amazing! You can get it in multiple colours and even with polka dots which is tempting me to buy another one. You can never have too many iPad cases after all! I got in a Light Pink and it's a really pretty pastel Pink colour, it suits my White iPad really well! Here's the Link, I really suggest you go have a little look at it! Here are some pictures of this wonderful case!

Opened Case.

Closed up like a little book.

Back view of stood up.

Front view of it stood up. 

The back of the iPad Mini Case where you can see the clip for standing it up. 

The holder for your Stylus...very useful! 
For £9.89 you really can't go wrong. It comes with an amazing case which is very sturdy and protective. You can stand up the Case well and unlike some other Cases the iPads are normally to top heavy to stand up safely in the case, they normally end up toppling over. This case supports it very well! It stands up sturdy and it's a really useful feature to have when watching something on your iPad. It doesn't add any more weight for carrying round your iPad, it's very light.

It comes with 2 Screen Protectors for the front screen which is so useful because the back of the iPad is protected with the case but the front Screen isn't so the screen protectors stop any scratches on the screen. It also comes with a stylus. I don't use the stylus much but I still think it's a really good bonus to have and I'm sure it will come in handy one day! 

The case folds up like a little book which makes it look cute and stays down by a magnetic feature. The case is firmly held in by Velcro which means it will never fall out and is actually quite hard to get out. Which is good because you know it's not going to fall out and smash on the ground but also bad if you want to change your iPad which I might have to do soon as I'm so tempted by the Polka Dot cases! 

I think this has been one of the best buys of the year. It's so good and well equipped and very cheap! I definitely recommend you trying these out if you have an iPad mini, you will not be let down I tell you!! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!


Sneak Peak for Sunday's Post: It's EASTER!! 

Monday 25 March 2013

Father Christmas Bath Ballistic Review! | Believe In Beauty


Today's post is going to be a review on the Father Christmas Bath Ballistic from Lush. This was in the 2012 Christmas Collection and last weekend I only got round to using it. I know you can't get it in the shops anymore but it might come out next year and I thought it would just be a fun post to write! Also this was going to be in Lush Christmas Products Part 2 but I felt I had so much to say about it I would put it in it's own post and put something else in that post instead, if that makes any sense! 

Doesn't it look like the cutest Bath Bomb ever? It's lethal I tell you!! It's really cool how it goes through a lot of different colours when fizzing in your Bath. It starts of a nice light pink colour and then gradually green starts coming out, along with some random red bits. It takes quite a while to fizz and some bits did not go so I had to break it up with my hands which was a bit annoying. The final colour though was a dark Green which I suppose is good for Christmas as Green is a Christmas colour but 3 months on from Christmas I was not really excited for the Green colour I was more worried it was going to stain the Bath (Like the Enchanter Bath Bomb: Review here...Link to the Post!!) but thankfully it didn't! 
As you can see the final colour is actually quite pretty and no Green stains=Bonus! But along with the Green comes Glitter, which was the bit I did not like. A little bit of Glitter is ok, like on the Space Girl bath bomb, but the amount of Glitter that came with this bath bomb was unbearable. Some people might find this an exaggeration, but to me I did not like the Glitter. It was everywhere!! At the bottom of the Bath when the water had gone was like a blizzard of glitter, it was ridiculous! I had to get back in the Bath afterwards to shower all the Glitter off of me and it still didn't go. It was so hard to get off my skin and after multiple Baths it was still on my skin. A week later and I think it has actually all gone now. It was so annoying. 

Look at all that Glitter! Wouldn't you agree it looks annoying? 

Apart from my disliking with the Glitter the Bath Bomb did leave my Skin feeling soft and refreshed, I think that's from all the nice ingredients they put in! The Bath Bomb also smelt very nice and refreshing, the smell did linger on my skin for a bit too. I also liked the Price, for the amount of product you get £3.25 is really good! 

So to round up I liked the...

  • Colours it Fizzed.
  • Smell
  • Smoothness to Skin 
  • That it didn't stain my Bath...yay!

But I didn't like...
Thanks so much for reading and I hope you found this review useful! 


Sunday 24 March 2013

Collection Cream Puff Review! | Believe In Beauty


Today's post is going to be about the Collections Cream Puffs. I have tried all 4 of them and I really liked them! I've been looking forward to writing a post about them for ages! I'm going to post some pictures first of the product and then write my full review at the bottom of the pictues, tell me if you like that kind of way of doing reviews! I have no pictures of the product on my Lips but you can get a feel for the colour from the swatches I've done!

Cream Puffs from 1-4 in order! 

Cotton Candy 1 and Fairy Cake 3! 

Powder Puff 2 and Angel Delight 4! 

Cotton Candy 1 swatch of colour.

Fairy Cake 3 swatch of colour.

Powder Puff 2 swatch of colour.

Angel Delight 4 swatch of colour. 
I love these Lip Glosses so much, they are amazing! Firstly they are so cheap, they are only £2.99 which I think is amazing for the high quality of product you get. They go really nicely onto the lips giving a good coverage of colour. You only need 2 or 3 dabs and you already have a bold finish, however if you don't likea bold finish 1 dab is good for a light finish. You can wear them 2 ways, first of all they are quite matte (which is actually really nice!) and putting some lip gloss underneath or over the top makes the colour that extra bit glossier! I also find them quite moisturising for the lips as they are a 'lip cream'. Some lip glosses can really drain out the moisture in your lips leaving them in a bad condition but these leave them nicely moisturised. 

I also like how the Cream Puffs have a good variety of colours. There may only be 4 but between them you have a good variety. The colour is also quite pigmented which also adds to a nice finish. They also smell so nice and if you happen to lick them off by accident (ew!) it doesn't taste too bad! I think they stay on for a good amount of hours and you only really need to re-apply once or twice throughout the day, which, in my personal opinion I think is quite good for something so cheap! They are also NOT sticky so your hair doesn't get stuck to them when it's windy which I hate when that happens! I think I probably wear Cotton Candy 1 and Fairy Cake 3 the most but I still love Powder Puff 2 and Angel Delight 4! 

I also really like the names of the Cream Puffs, they are really cute haha! Really happy with these! So cheap, nice colours and a really nice finish on the lips! Here's the Link on the Boots website if you're interested!

Thanks for Reading, hope you enjoyed! 


Sneak Peak for Wednesday's Post: Review on an iPad accessory! 

Friday 22 March 2013

Lush Christmas Products Reviews #1 | Believe In Beauty


I've been thinking about doing Reviews on some of the Lush Christmas products for ages now, but for 2 reasons I didn't. 1. I never got round to it and 2. Christmas is obviously over now (has been for a long time and is not coming round for a long time either) and I'm aware I should of done these reviews ages ago but, hey ho!  However, I thought instead of doing really detailed reviews on products in individual posts (which no one will probably care about because you can't get them in the shops anymore so why write about them?!) I thought I would put 3 or 4 products, all in one post and do mini reviews on them, that way I thought it may be more interesting?! They might even come out again this Christmas coming, so you will be fully educated about which one's are good and which one's aren't! If you don't want to see Part 2 and Part 3, e.t.c tell me in the comments because I won't upload them!:) Also request Blog post ideas in the comments as well, because I'm kind of running out of ideas! P.S- I haven't tried EVERY single Lush Christmas product...these are just a few.

After all that boring explanation...let's talk about product number 1!

1. Bubblebeard Reusable Bubble Bar.

This was the first thing I tried from the Lush Christmas collection because it excited me the most at the time (I don't think it does now). I also have to admit it wasn't one of my favourite either. Don't get me wrong, I loved the fact that it was a Mustache. I thought that was a really good and interesting idea and I liked the cute message on the stick 'Swish to make bubbles for beards', it made me think of the Santa beards you would make when you were younger (so appropriate for the time of the year) and a really fun thing to do no matter how old you are haha! But I don't think I would buy it if it came out again this Christmas, I think trying it once is enough for me. I really didn't like the Smell and you couldn't even Smell it when you put it in the Bath anyway so it didn't really matter. It didn't make many bubbles and I felt that the Bubble Bar was kind of 'stiff'. Not really doing anything, going down, or making bubbles. The smell didn't linger in the air or on the skin so it was pretty pointless really. I do think it's a reasonable cheapish price, but probably not something I'm going to get again. Sorry to all the people who loved it! 

The next product is the 'Golden Wonder Bath Ballistic', like most other people...I loved it! I thought this was one of the best things in the Christmas Collection 2012. Priced at £3.25, you really can't go wrong. It's amazing. First of all you can shake it and it rattles, this gives the impression like it's actually a present rattling which is so exciting! It's massive so you could easily use it in 2-3 baths. It smells amazing, the smell is so refreshing and relaxing. But...when you pop it in your Bath...I'm lost for words. It goes a number of different colours, from yellow/gold to green to a final Blue colour which is beautiful, it's like being in the ocean. Hints of Pink and Purple also come out (I think that's from the rattly bit inside!) and glittery stars. The bath water is left so pretty (picture below!). All in all I cannot fault this present of wonder. It's lovely and I'm praying it comes back again this year! (Didn't stain the Bath either so that's a bonus ha-ha!) 
The next Christmas Products is 'Candy Mountain Bubble Bar'.
 This is another one of my favourite Products I tried in this collection. Last year I loved it and when I saw it was coming back again and a bit different I was super happy! I love the smell, it's so nice! It's quite similar to the Bubblegum Lip Scrub and I absolutely love that! It makes so many bubbles in your Bath! I only put the tiniest bits in (as I don't like to waste it because I like it so much!) and I get tons and tons of bubbles! It makes the bath water smell amazing and I can always smell the smell on my skin. It's an amazing price for what it does. Love, love, love this! I cannot find any faults with it.

The last product I'm going to include in this Post is 'Cinders Bath Ballistic'. I have mixed opinions on this. It took forever to fizz in the Bath for how small it is and it left the Bath water a disgusting yellowy colour which looked like you had weed in the bath, so I wasn't very happy with that! I'm not really sure if I liked the smell or not, I guess it was ok, not really my cup of tea! However, my favourite thing about this Bath Bomb was the popping candy on the top. When it starts popping in the Bath it's so cool! The sound is really funny and amusing. Definitely brightens up your Bath time. It's a really good cheap price but I'm undecidive if buying it once was enough. So 50/50 on this product.
I really hope you enjoyed reading this and maybe found it useful? Let me know if you want Part 1 and 2 to come. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday 20 March 2013

My Favourite Spring Nail Polishes! | Believe In Beauty


Seeing as today is the 20th of March and today is the first day of Spring (although, it's still like Winter!), I thought I would do my favourite Spring Nail Polishes. I did a favourite Winter one of these about 2 months ago and I enjoyed writing it so I thought I'd do a Spring one! I probably will do a Summer and Autumn one when those Seasons come around! Warning: There's lots of pastel colours.

1st Nail Polish is this really nice pinky/peachy colour from Rimmel. It looks lovely in the pot but when you put it on your Nails it's even nicer! It's such a pretty colour and putting glitter over the top makes it that extra bit nicer! Such a 'go to' colour! The quality is good and something I will probably be wearing all the time on my nails in Spring and probably Summer! 

Next is this lovely Mint colour from Barry M. I have quite an obsession with the colour Mint and I love wearing it on the Nails. It's a pretty pastel colour and perfect for Spring time. Last year I pretty much wore this all throughout Spring and this year I think I will probably be doing the same! 

Another Nail Polish I love for Spring is this gorgeous Peach colour, also from Barry M and I think it's called 'Peach Melba'. This is raved about everywhere on Blogs and YouTube so I had to join in a buy it. I think it's a gorgeous colour on the Nails for days when you want to go a little bit 'low key'. Very happy with this! 

Another colour I love for Spring is this Pastel Blue colour from No 7. It's really nice for Spring and it is also quite Summery. Painting it on the Nails makes me feel all Summery because the colour is like a bright sky blue. It's lovely! With some Glitter too it looks even more prettier. Love this colour! 

Finally, the last Nail Polish is this Pastel yellow colour, again from Barry M. As you can see I love Barry M nail Polishes because they are so affordable and such high quality. This colour paints really well on the nails and gives a gorgeous finish and sort of shiny. I love that it's not a bright Yellow but a subtle one. It's super pretty!

That's all my Favourite Spring Nail Polishes. As you can see I love Pastel colours on the Nails for Spring, they are just so pretty! 

I can't wait to do my Summer one. Summer officially begins on the 21st of June (I think!), so maybe I will have my favourite Summer Nail Polishes post ready for you then, who knows!! :D

Hope you enjoyed and see you soon!


Sneak Peak for Sunday's Post: A 'Collection' Product review! 

Sunday 17 March 2013

10 Things in my Bedroom Tag! | Believe In Beauty


So today's post is going to be the '10 Things in my Bedroom Tag'. I'm pretty sure people have definitely done this before, and I wasn't tagged, but I wanted to do it anyway because I thought it would be fun! I have tried to pick some interesting items that somehow tell you a bit more about goes!

1. A vintage 'LOVE' sign/ornament. I love this! I love all vintage and girly stuff! 

2. A Hedgehog clock I made at School in Year 8. I hate all creative things we had to do at School in Years 7 and 8, (cooking, textiles and woodwork) so my clock is rubbish! I'm surprised I even finished it! 

3. A Snow Globe thingy from when I went to visit the Spinaker Tower. It was a really good day!

4. Another vintage thing! A door hook, I hang my Dressing Gown, Onesie, Scarfs, Bags and Hoodies on it. Things that I want to grab quickly! 

5. I like being organised, so this is just cute little vintage love heart pot with all the things I'm currently using on a daily basis in it. Hand and body creams (cold weather :(), sprays, perfumes, lip products, concealers, e.t.c! 

6. Another organised thing! A white wicker basket with all my Lush products in. I like to keep them in one place and it makes my room smell lovely!! I also love Lush so much (as you probably know by now as I talk about it all the time) and it's pretty full at the moment, I can't bring myself to use anything up!

7. A Tie-Dye pillow I made in Textiles in Year 8. I really love this! I never thought I would be able to make it and I'm so pleased I did...yay!

8. Being a Lush obsessed freak I have my 'Stardust' Christmas gift set box lying around in my room at the moment, it's just too pretty and nice to throw away! With the Belt from 'Secret Santa' wrapped around it...oh I'm so weird!

9. I like to be comfy and cosy and my cute slipper boots do the job perfectly, nice for keeping your feet warm and loves! 

10. Finally, can't forget JLS 2013 Calendar, (I took the photo's in February, I do realise it is is now March!), I love JLS and I love this!!
Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!

Sneak Peak for Wednesday's Post: It's finally Spring! Let's paint our...

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Clean and Clear: Dual Action Moisturiser Review! | Believe In Beauty


Hope you are all having a good March so far!:) 

Today's post is going to be a review on the Clean and Clear Dual Action Moisturiser. After it being raved about I thought I must buy it, but now I'm kind of regretting it. I have very mixed opinions on this! Here is the Link on the Boots website if you're interested! As you can see it is only £3.59 which is one really good thing about's super cheap and affordable for a very big bottle that will last you a long time! But is it really worth buying it even though it's cheap?!

It claims that the product is 'oil-free' and I do agree with this. It's not one of them moisturisers that make your face feel all greasy and make you want to take it straight off seconds after applying. It sinks into the skin really well making it feel very smooth and moisturised and doesn't leave any grease. I really really like how well it sinks into the skin, probably one of the best ones I've tried for 'sinking into the skin'. In my opinion, that's the best thing about it! 

It says that it 'helps prevents spots and blemishes'. I don't agree with this. One of my most hated things about this product is that I actually think I've got more spots from using it. I put it on one day and over the next couple of days I notice more and more spots on my face, which of course then leave blemishes! I always moisturise my blemishes using this and they don't go! They don't even seem to improve or lighten the redness. It's so annoying when the product is based around preventing spots and blemishes. 

As you can see from the picture above, it is a really nice formula. The texture of the moisturiser is really nice. So that's another good thing about it. 

I think the moisturiser does prevent dry skin. I only use moisturisers because I get very dry skin and this works wonders. I don't have to keep applying it because it didn't get rid of the dry skin the first time, it actually keeps the dry skin away for a number of days which means you won't use it up quickly, so in the long term, it saves you a bit of money! ;) 

However, another bad thing about it is that it stings my face like mad! That's probably the main reason I don't use it often. I have very sensitive skin and applying this is not good for it. My face feels like it's on fire which is super painful! So this product is not good if you have sensitive skin like me! 

It also has a very distinctive smell about it. I can't quite decide what it smells like. This may sound strange, but to me it kind of smells a bit like coffee...weird? 

To sum it up...

I like...

  • How it sinks into your skin.
  • Gets rid of dry skin really well. 
  • The price.
  • Nice formula and not oily! 

I don't like...

  • It doesn't prevent spots and blemishes.
  • Stings my face.
  • Smells weird.

Overall I think I like and dislike it 50/50. I don't think I will be purchasing it again anytime soon though, I have better moisturisers that are suitable for my sensitive skin! 

What are your opinions on this? Does it dry out your skin? Make your skin smooth? Or even make your skin sting? Let me know in the comments! :) 


Sneak Peak for Sunday's post: Close up of my bedroom?! 

Monday 11 March 2013

Mothers Day Presents! | Believe In Beauty


No I'm not writing a Post about what to get your Mum for Mother's Day as that is a bit late now. I'm writing a Post on what I got my Mum for Mother's Day (joint presents with my Sister). 

First we got her 'Flash' by Jimmy Choo. This smells amazing!! She was super happy with it:) I think I may have to borrow it! 

Then we got her 'The Washing Up Fairy' from Lush. It smells really nice and will be useful for her to wash up!! Haha! Cute message on the stick too! 

We also got her some  'I ♥ M U M'  chocolates which are cute and yummy!

Finally, a little Candle for her to burn as she loves Yankee Candles a lot. It smells so lovely so I can't wait to smell it in the house! 

All her lovely presents together! 

Thanks for reading my quick post! Hope you enjoyed!

What did you get your Mum for Mother's day? 

See you on Wednesday! Byee:)