Monday 11 March 2013

Mothers Day Presents! | Believe In Beauty


No I'm not writing a Post about what to get your Mum for Mother's Day as that is a bit late now. I'm writing a Post on what I got my Mum for Mother's Day (joint presents with my Sister). 

First we got her 'Flash' by Jimmy Choo. This smells amazing!! She was super happy with it:) I think I may have to borrow it! 

Then we got her 'The Washing Up Fairy' from Lush. It smells really nice and will be useful for her to wash up!! Haha! Cute message on the stick too! 

We also got her some  'I ♥ M U M'  chocolates which are cute and yummy!

Finally, a little Candle for her to burn as she loves Yankee Candles a lot. It smells so lovely so I can't wait to smell it in the house! 

All her lovely presents together! 

Thanks for reading my quick post! Hope you enjoyed!

What did you get your Mum for Mother's day? 

See you on Wednesday! Byee:) 

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