Monday 18 November 2013

Lush: Twilight Bath Ballistic Review! | Believe In Beauty


So today it is Lush Monday. Next week will be my final Lush Monday, before the Christmas Lush Monday's exciting! Today I am going to be reviewing the popular "Twilight" Bath Ballistic. You can buy it HERE on the LUSH website. 
Here is "Twilight" Bath Ballistic. Twilight is one of the larger sized Bath Ballistics, and is a lightish Pink colour. Twilight has engraved Stars on the top of it and I think they look very pretty. Twilight's scent is really nice and one of my favourites from Lush. It is quite a sweet scent and on the Lush website, it's featured ingredient is 'Lavender Oil'. You can't smell a strong amount of Lavender, but there is a tiny hint there. However, it does linger on the Skin and it is quite strong, so will fill up the Bathroom too. Now let's get onto the amazing things it does in the Bath. 
 As soon as you pop it into the Bath, it goes crazy. It fizzes away really quickly (a bit too quick really, but oh well!) and starts tinting the Bath a Pink colour. Then a bright Blue colour came out and I thought it was going to take over and the Bath go Blue, but it didn't! It went Purple, it was quite a dark Purple, and the Camera is just not doing the Colour justice! It also makes the water quite Creamy and super soft. My Skin was so moisturised and nourished afterwards. It also put tiny shimmer/glitter in the Water and it looked so pretty! 

For £3.25, you can't really go wrong and I would say that is a reasonable price. It is a big one for starters, it smells delicious, it does amazing things in the Bath, and leaves your Skin feeling lovely and smooth. I would so purchase this one again! Me loves it! 

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! See you next week! 


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