Sunday 24 November 2013

My Current Obsession: Lush Products & Nail Varnishes! | Believe In Beauty


Recently, I've been Shopping quite a few times and I find myself buying the same things and I think it has become a bit of an addictive obsession. My addictive obsession is buying Lush Products and Nail Varnishes, which I really don't need. However, today I thought I would show you 4 Nail Varnishes and 4 Lush Products I brought at the end of October to the beginning of November. 
Let's do Nail Varnishes first, as I prefer Lush Products that tiny bit more! I apologise now that I don't have swatches of the Colours but I will have swatches on my Favourite Winter Nail Varnishes post, coming in December. From left to right we have, Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine in '335 Watermelon', Barry M Matte in '336 Crush', Barry M Matte in '333 Mocha' and Sally Hansen Fuzzy Coat in '500 Fuzz-Sea'. These are going to be the Nail Varnishes I'm consistently wearing throughout the end of Autumn and Winter. I love them all and I'm glad I've added them to my collection. 
Next up is Lush Products. From left to right we have, 'Snowman Bath Ballistic', 'Ickle Baby Bot Bath Ballistic', 'Tisty Tosty Bath Ballistic', and 'Cinders Bath Ballistic'. I do love my Bath Ballistics! Also, two of these were brought for me as gifts, so that obviously makes it a tiny bit better? Of course, I had to buy the seasonal products as I just love them and find myself going mad over them every year! Look out for my review of 'Tisty Tosty Bath Ballistic' and the seasonal products coming soon.

So, that is my current obsession, maybe I could make this into a mini series and update it every month? Let me know what you think in the comments! Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! 


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