Monday 5 August 2013

Lush: Honeybee Bath Ballistic Review! | Believe In Beauty


So today is Monday, and that can only mean one thing...Lush review! Today's review is on the Honeybee Bath Ballistic. Lush sent me this for free, after I complained about a product staining my bath and I thought this was very kind of them. Normally it is £3.15, which is quite a lot, seeing as it is not an extravagant one, but obviously I got it for free. HERE is the link for Honeybee, on the LUSH website. 
So here is Honeybee. It's a massive Bath Ballistic, that is mostly yellow, but also has some grey on it. I don't know if the pattern is supposes to be similar to a Bee? - But I really like the pattern anyway! This smells absolutely divine, it's just like Honey I Washed The Kids (one of my favourite soaps!), and smells vanilarry. It is also quite a sweet scent, it smells like some sort of sweet, but I can't think which one. It's featured ingredients are Rhassoul Mud, Honey and Aloe Vera. I believe the Aloe Vera gives the skin it's soft finish, as you get out and your skin feels heavenly. 
When you pop Honeybee in your Bath, it starts fizzing straightaway. It takes a really long time, so I think to get your money's worth, you could easily split it in half, and that's what I will do next time. Nothing really special happens when it's in the bath, it just fizzes a yellow colour, releasing a tiny amount of bubbles and giving the water a silky finish. I also noticed when I rinsed the water away, at the bottom was a tiny bit of like 'grit', it was like after you've had a bath when you've been at the Beach all day. It was a bit weird, I'm guessing it came from the grey bit of the Bath Ballistic, maybe to exfoliate your skin?!  

This is quite a short review today, as I don't really have much to say. It was a nice simple Bath Ballistic, that smelt amazing, fizzed a yellow colour, and made your skin soft. I think the main focus of this Bath Ballistic, was to soothe your dry skin. I really wish the price was cheaper though, that is the only down side of Honeybee. I think this would be a good Bath Ballistic, for people who like a safer Bath Ballistic, a one where you can kind of relax more! 

I really hope you enjoyed, and thanks for reading!


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