Tuesday 27 August 2013

The Sunday TAG! | Believe In Beauty


I've got a few things to say before I start this post, so I will just quickly explain... You may (or may not!) have noticed my poor quality of posts last week, but I had to pre-write them and schedule them to upload all last week whilst I was on Holiday! I didn't really tell you that I was going on Holiday, as I wanted to write posts and tell you all about it afterwards. So that is my quick explanation on my really rubbish posts recently, but they are about to get a bit more interesting. I have lots of Holiday related posts such as: Holiday pictures, holiday review on the place we stayed, holiday bracelets, aftersun review and soon there will be a baby lip review as I found some on holiday, woo yeah! 

So let's get onto today's post. Recently my very good friend Meg, from vintagelovehearts, tagged me in the 'Sunday TAG', so thankyou for that! I know it's not Sunday today, but I was meant to upload this on Sunday, but I was just getting back into the swing of things from my Holiday. Let's start the questions....

1. What shoe size are you?
I am a size 3/4, well basically a 3 and a half, sometimes 3's are too small, and 4's are too big, so it's awkward trying to buy shoes! 

2. Where do you work? 
No where, I just work at School ;) 

3. Favourite piece of clothing you own? 
Probably my Disco Pants, which I recently just purchased! 

4. Your favourite Blog? 
Sprinkle of Glitter, as she really regularly has lots of content to read and her posts are always really good. I also love Zoella, because her posts are always so interesting to read, and I like her lifestyle ones. 

5. Do you have any pets?
Yeah I do :) 

6. How many siblings do you have?
Just 1 Sister! 

7. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
In England, in the South West, like Devon and Cornwall, because I love going there so much!

8. What were you doing before this?
Catching up on YouTube videos I missed whilst on holiday, and eating dinner. 

9. Your favourite food?
Mash! It's quite weird, but I just love it and I have since I was little and I could eat it with literally anything, but I love it with good ol' baked beans! ;)

10. Do you have an middle name?
Yeah I do! :) 

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this TAG! I thought it was really fun. 


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