Wednesday 14 August 2013

Nail Designs: Watermelon Nail Art! | Believe In Beauty


I know I said I would never do a Nail Art in this series, but this one is ever so simple, and is good if you can't do Nail Art very well (like me!) but want to give it a go. I will take you through it step by step, so it should be pretty easy! Let's go...
So first of all, get a dark/bright Pink colour and paint a base coat of it. The colour needs to be strong, so do as many coats as you need. I did 3, because the Nail Varnish I was using, started off quite sheer. 
Next, paint about roughly a third of the nail, starting from the tip downwards (just like shown above) and make sure you do this in White. Again, you may need to do more than one coat, I did 2, so I got a really defined finish. I know mine looks a bit messy, but this is allowed if you're not very good like me...haha. 
Now, take a bright green colour, and paint over the top of the White colour, leaving a thin line of the white at the bottom, like shown above. Again, you may need to do more than one coat, but I only did one this time and was happy with it. Now hopefully you can start to see the Watermelon appearing. You could leave it like this, as you can kind of get the jist of it, but if you want to get the full Watermelon effect, read onto the next step. 
Now please don't laugh at the next bit, but it's ok if you do, because I know this is pretty rubbish! Basically, you need to take a black nail varnish, and draw some thin (yes thin, not like the fat ones I have drawn) and paint some Watermelon 'seeds', on it. I think 5 is a good amount to do, 2 at the top and 3 at the bottom. I would have done thinner lines, but the Nail Varnish I was using had a really fat brush, and this is the only one I had! If your not confident with doing the seeds, don't do this step. I probably won't next time! 

So that is it, to do Watermelon nail art. I know mine was really rubbish, but I will continue to practice it. This is maybe a look you wouldn't want to wear in the Winter as it's quite Summery, so make sure you get wearing it quick!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! I'm off to get 2 teeth out later, so that will be fun...not! 


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