Monday 12 August 2013

Lush: Melting Marshmallow Moment Review! | Believe In Beauty


So it's Monday...I'm wondering how many Monday's we've had with Lush reviews now?! Today is a review on the Melting Marshmallow Moment. I've not reviewed a 'luxury', Bath Melt yet, so here is one today! HERE is the link on the LUSH website, just in case you were interested. 
Here is the Melting Marshmallow Moment. The thing that drew me to it the most was the smell, it's heavenly and smells just like Snow Fairy, and the Godmother Soap, so if you like the scents of those, you will like this. And if Snow Fairy leaves you with post Christmas blues, this will brighten your day. I was really not sure what to expect from a Bath Melt at first, and didn't know if the price of £3.85, was reasonable. When you put it in the Bath, because some of the main ingredients are almond oil and cocoa butter, it will leave your skin feeling very soft and smooth, which mine did feel like. It also contains ingredients such as Chamomile, Marigold and Marhmallow, which Lush claim they will calm your irritated or delicate skin. I don't really have irritated skin, so I can't really comment on this, but I do trust Lush, and would agree it probably does help! 
Never using a Bath Melt before, I didn't really know how much to put in, so I only got 3 Baths out of it. I would have liked more, but when I used it next time, I think I will get more Baths out of it, as now I know what to expect and how much to put it! 

When I did put it in, it tinted the Bath a really faint Pink colour, even if you put a lot or little amount of the Bath Melt in, it didn't affect how dark or light the colour would be. Personally, I would have liked the colour a bit brighter, but oh well! 

It also didn't really do much else to the Bath. I used quite a lot of it, on the first go, as I was waiting and waiting for Bubbles (or Foam, which Lush say it produces on the website), but nothing really came, and it produced a very little amount of Bubbles, a bit disappointing! 

Is £3.85 a lot to pay, when you could get a cheaper moisturiser out there, which would last longer and probably work a tiny bit decide! I would buy it again, just because the smell and the softness of my skin was lovely and obviously it's a nice little treat now and again!

So I did go Shopping yesterday, and brought 2 things from Lush, so look out for those in tomorrow's Shopping Haul! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! 


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