Monday 19 August 2013

Lush: Ickle Baby Bot Bath Ballistic Review! | Believe In Beauty


Monday has come again, and so has another Lush review. Today I am going to be reviewing the very cute Bath Ballistic, which is Ickle Baby Bot! At it's very cheap price of £1.90, you really can't go wrong if you want a little pep in your step! HERE is the link on the LUSH website, just in case you wanted to find out more, or even buy it. 
Ickle Baby Bot, is quite a small Bath Ballistic, but ever so cute. It is a really light Blue colour, and smells delicious! It's quite a sweet smell, but soothing at the same time, and when you pop it in the Bath, it fills up the Bathroom, and lingers on your skin afterwards. Lush say it's featured ingredient is Lavender Oil, however, I can definitely smell no Lavender in it, haha. 
Obviously, Ickle Baby Bot, is probably the cheapest Bath Ballistic (not actually sure without checking, but I would presume so), so it won't do amazing stuff to your Bath.What Ickle Baby Bot did do though, was fizz away, quite nosily and I always love it when the Bath Ballistics have noise to them. It also turned the Bath, a really pretty clear Blue colour, as you can see from the picture above. It was actually a really pretty colour, and so nice to Bathe in. 

Ickle Baby Bot, is also good for soothing dry skin. I do get a tiny bit of dry skin on my legs, and it was nice to come out of the Bath, smelling nice, and feeling so smooth! So, even though this review has been short, as there's not too much to say, it's been straight to the point saying that it's a really nice Bath Ballistic, which is a good one for people who like calmer ones, and it was nice to relax in. Would I buy it again? YES! I've already repurchased another one, as it's cheap and lovely! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. 


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