Sunday 27 October 2013

AUTUMN! | Believe In Beauty


Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday are my uploading days, and I really had no idea what to upload today. I have been thinking all day and it's been really stressing me out! I was going to leave it and not upload today, but I felt I couldn't do that seeing as I did miss a week at the beginning of the month. I think because we are getting to the end of the month, I am loosing motivation. I am also worried as this time last year, I did loose my Blog motivation. 

However...seeing as we are in Autumn now, and everything Autumn has occured, I thought why not type 'Autumn' into Pinterest, and show you some of my favourite pictures. So, here goes...
autumn road
One of the most exciting things I have ever seen was a great horned owl in the woods while out on an Autumn drive. We stopped the car, got out and watched until several minutes later he flew away silently through the trees. I will never forget it.
I don't even know what these all are, but they spell AUTUMN to me!
Pumpkin Pals
.In winter I think spring will be my salvation, and in summer I think autumn, and in autumn winter, it is always the same, I hope from one season to the next.
fall harvest time includes pumpkins Spa Week $50 Treatment  #spaweekfall2013
Autumn = this is why we usually go to North Carolina for my birthday.  The leaves are stunning and well worth the drive.
Ready for cold weather and hot chocolate!
Autumn Leaves - Un Peu De Tout Absolutely magical - makes us excited for autumn
Fall Leaves a.k.a. the greatest outdoor entertainment known to man. *crunch*

I could have picked so many more Autumnal pictures, but I thought I would keep it at 12, what a random number. I love all these pictures, and I hope they got you in the Autumnal mood! 

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!


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