Tuesday 22 October 2013

Happy One Year Blog Birthday! | Believe In Beauty


A year ago on the 22nd October 2012, on a cold, rainy day, debating whether to upload a Blog Post or not, Believe In Beauty was born. I can't believe it has been a whole year, it's gone so quickly. Today I have decided to have a little Birthday party for my little Blog. 
Aw, look at my little Cake to celebrate, how cute is it?! 

Although, at the start of my Blog, I didn't post much and I don't have a lot of followers today, I am proud of my Blog. I'm happy with my 8 followers, and I'm happy at the direction I steered my Blog in. Obviously there has been times in this year when I took a Blogging break, but I always returned and I'm proud of myself for doing that. I am grateful for the amount of Followers I have, and I hope you like the content I produce. 

I also like how now I have a consistent uploading schedule, and that I mostly manage to keep on top of it. I love my little Blog, and excited to see what Posts I produce in the year ahead. 


P.S- You can read my 1st Blog Post HERE and follow my Blog on Bloglovin', HERE.

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