Monday 14 October 2013

Lush: Big Blue Bath Ballistic Review! | Believe In Beauty


So, I will start with an apology. Sorry for no Blog Posts last week, on Monday and Tuesday my Wifi was broken, and it put me all behind schedule. I also had a lot of School work, and was quite busy, so I had to take a Blogging break. But don't worry, as the 4 posts I missed last week, will mean there is a post every day this week, and 2 bonus posts towards the end of the month. Is that okay? 

Anyway, today we are finally back to normal Lush reviews. Today I have chosen to review the Big Blue Bath Ballistic. One I am not entirely fond of, but thought I should review it anyway. You can pick it up from the LUSH website HERE. Now onto the review...
Here is Big Blue, as you can see it is a bright Blue Bath Ballistic, and is one of the larger ones. Big Blue is priced at £3.25, which I personally do not agree with. As you can also see, Big Blue has tiny bits of 'seaweed', sticking out of it. At first I thought they were interesting, but not so much afterwards... However, Big Blue smells really nice, and it's really refreshing scent. I also noticed it stayed on my Skin afterwards, I kept getting wafts of it. Big Blue's featured ingredient is Arame Seaweed, interesting?! 
As soon as Big Blue goes into the Bath, it starts to fizz. It fizzes really quickly, and releases a bright Blue colour. The colour is just like the Sea, which I think the Bath Ballistic is based on. It's a really nice colour, and sort of reminds you like your on Holiday, sitting on the Beach by the Sea! I was quite worried that it would stain my Bath, as it is such a bright Blue colour, but there was no Blue residue afterwards. 
However, I did not like the Seaweed, and this is the reason I will not be re-purchasing it. It is disgusting, and makes you feel really uncomfortable sitting in the Bath with all this Seaweed surrounding you. It also is a nightmare to get down the plug hole afterwards! 

So, I would not buy this again, just because I didn't like the Seaweed, it was pretty gross, and it is way overpriced at £3.25. If you can put up with the Seaweed, well done you! 

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed. 


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