Wednesday 2 October 2013

New Nail Varnishes! | Believe In Beauty


Can you believe it is October already? I can't believe September went so quick! My September was really good! How was yours? 

Today, I am going to be showing you some new Nail Varnishes I have got. They are actually from my Birthday, so I am a little late showing you them, but I thought it would be a nice post, to show you the swatches. 
From left to right, I have, Essie "Full Steam Ahead", Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine in "328 Dragon" with Barry M Confetti Nail Varnish in "Marshmallow", Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine in "328 Dragon" on its own, and finally Barry M Confetti Nail Varnish in, "Marshmallow". 

Those are just 4 lovely colours. The Essie one is really pretty Purple colour, with subtle shimmer in it, which looks lovely on the Nails. The two Barry M Nail Varnishes create a lovely look together, but also just look as nice on their own. The Barry M Gelly H-Shine in "328 Dragon", also has some subtle shimmer in it, and looks ever so pretty! It sometimes looks a bit weird just have the Barry M Confetti Nail Varnish in, "Marshmallow", on it's own though. I think it is always best to put it over the top of another colour. I may do a whole post dedicated on that actually! 

So yeah, just some new Nail Varnishes and swatches! A bit of a quick post today, but hope you enjoyed nonetheless. Not sure what post is coming on Friday, it will be a surprise! 


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