Friday 4 October 2013

Jimmy Choo 'Flash' Perfume! | Believe In Beauty


This post is being uploaded a little bit later than normal, so sorry about that! I've had a good day today though, as I had a day off today. I went Shopping, and saw all the Lush Christmas products in the was a magical moment! ;) I also met up with my friend's in the afternoon, which was fun! 

Anyway, today I thought I would do another 'Perfume', type post, as I have not done one in a while! Today I have chosen to talk about the Jimmy Choo 'Flash' Perfume. I got this for my birthday, and have been loving it ever since. 
First of all, I really like the packaging and the bottle for this perfume. I just think it's cute, and something I have never really seen in a Perfume before. It makes the Perfume look pretty when it is sat on the shelf. 

The scent though, is just lovely. I had to sit and think for a while, about how I would describe it. I would say the scent is floral and sweet, and I suspect some people would find it a bit sickly. However, it is personal preference after all. 

The staying power is really good though. I can smell it on myself all throughout the day, and it will still be on my Clothes the next day. 

On the Boot's website, it is £35.50 for the 40ml, £45.50 for the 60ml, and £61.50 for the 100ml. Link on the Boot's website HERE

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!


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