Thursday 17 October 2013

Nail Designs: Confetti Nails! | Believe In Beauty


It's been about 2 months since we had our last 'Nail Designs', post. I've got to be honest and say I did forget about this series. However, I have another Nail Design post going up in a couple of weeks. 

Today's Nail Design, is really easy (that's what we like in this series), but also really effective at the same time. I am going to show you had to get this look today.
Step 1: Pick your favourite Nail Varnish colour. I have chosen a selection of colours, to show you that this Nail Design works with all sorts of colours. I have some bright/fluorescent colours, pastel colours and dark colours. 
Step 2: Then pick a 'confetti' Nail Varnish. I have a greeny/yellowy/blue one from Sally Hansen, and a Pink one from Barry M. The Barry M one is cheapest though. 
This is what the 'Confetti' Nail Varnishes look like on their own...really pretty! From left to right is is the Sally Hansen one, and then the Barry M one. 
Step 3: Then just paint your 'Confetti' Nail Varnish over your original colour, and it's as simple as that! As you can see, both of the 'Confetti' Nail Varnishes work with any type of colour, so you can go as crazy as you want with this look. 

So that's it in 3 steps! It looks super pretty and really effective. The only down side is that it is a pain to get off afterwards...argh.

Thanks for reading, and hope you enjoyed!


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