Saturday 5 April 2014

Lush: The Christmas Penguin Bubble Bar Review! | Believe In Beauty


Happy Saturday!

I have another Lush review for you all today. This time I am going to be reviewing the Christmas Penguin Bubble Bar, which I'm praying comes out again this year! Check out the NEW Lush website HERE
Here is the adorable little Christmas Penguin, inspired by the little Penguins found on Philip Island in Australia. The Christmas Penguin is a medium size Blue and White Bubble Bar with little Black eyes and an Orange nose. It also seems to have a Yellow patch on its stomach. The Christmas Penguin has a really nice scent. It's quite a typical Lush scent I would say but it is also very sweet and slightly floral. It's featured ingredients include: Bergamot Oils, Sicilian Lemon, Mandarin Oils and Orange Flower Absolute. The scent does linger on the Skin but it's not that strong. 
Although I didn't want to crumble it under the Tap, I couldn't resist. Straightaway it produces tons of soft bubbles which leave the Skin quite smooth. As well as soft skin, it also turned the Bath water a lovely sky-blue colour which I thought was so nice to bathe in. It felt like I was actually in Australia in a clear blue sea with the little Penguin. 

Also can you see that Red thing on the side of the Bath? That was his Nose, it was really hard but I just left it on the side of the Bath and it gradually melted away. 

I managed to get 4 Baths out of this which seems to be an average amount that I get out of most Bubble Bars, so it lived up to all expectations. Being priced at £2.95, I will definitely buy this adorable Bubble Bar again and luckily I still have 2 left to go through! 

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this review and maybe found it somewhat useful. 


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