Friday 20 September 2013

BRACES! | Believe In Beauty


I had scheduled a post today, for a review on a Hair Product, but I've re-scheduled it, because I thought I would just have a bit of a chit-chat. So today, I got my bottom braces put on, and I thought I would tell you a little bit about it, the procedure and stuff. 

So, back in June I had my first Orthodontist appointment, where they discuss treatment, look at your teeth, take molds where necessary and maybe do some x-rays. I was told I was going to need bottom braces, a removable top brace, and top braces, after the top removable brace. However, first, I needed two teeth out, at the top. 

So, I went to get my teeth out in August. Everything went fine, I didn't like the numbness feeling after the injection, as it went all the way up to my eye. But, it didn't really hurt and didn't last too long. Then at the beginning of September, I went for a third mold, as my two top teeth had gone! 

Today, I went and got my bottom braces, and my removable brace for the top. The removable brace is the most annoying thing ever! It is so uncomfortable, gets in the way of eating, and has made me speak with a lisp. If you don't know what a removable brace looks like, here is a picture. Annoying thing! 
So as I type this, my teeth hurt so much!!!! I'm not going to lie, the pain is so bad and my teeth feel really sensitive. I think I've got to have the removable brace for about 9 months, (could be sooner though), and then I will get top braces. So overall, my treatment is going to be quite a long time. It could be about a year and a half, or more. Depressing...

Bit of a random post today, I know. I've just noticed the Lush Halloween products are on the website, so I may do a Post about them on Monday, for my Lush Monday post, what do you think?! 

Thanks for reading this weird post, and I hope you enjoyed!


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