Monday 23 September 2013

Lush: Halloween Collection! | Believe In Beauty


So today, instead of a Lush product review, I thought I would show you the Halloween collection, as I don't want you to miss out on the great products. There are 3 on the Website at the moment, and I think that is all we are getting, but who knows, it could get updated! You can buy all 3 Lush Halloween Products HERE on the LUSH website. 

*Disclaimer*: I have not yet tried any of these products. I am quoting things about them from the Lush website. I will be purchasing all 3 of them though, so stay tuned for reviews. 
First we have "Lord of Misrule", what an interesting name. At first, you may be put off by this 'bogey' Green Bath Ballistic, but don't be, it will dissolve to reveal a wine coloured center. Lush also say it has a strange and magnificent scent, which sounds intriguing. This Bath Ballistic, is priced at £3.30, and I can't wait to try it. 
The next one is "Pumpkin" Bubble Bar. Does anyone slightly recognise this? Oh yes, it is a reincarnation of the "Mumkin" Bubble Bar, which was for Mother's Day. Crumbling this under running water, will produce a vivid rusty Orange colour, and produce tons of soft-scented bubbles to bathe in. It has a comforting Autumnal fragrance, similar to the "Figs and Leaves" soap. "Pumpkin" is priced at £2.75, which is a price I don't mind to spend. 
The final Halloween product, is "Soot Ball" Bath Ballistic. I think this looks the most interesting of them all, I've never seen a Bath Ballistic quite like this before. Don't worry though, it is not going to turn your Bath water Black (something I was a little worried about), but a beautiful Golden colour. It will also come with a sweet, spicy fragrance, which is perfect for Halloween and Autumn. For £2.50, the cheapest of all 3, I can't wait to buy it. 

If you were to buy all 3, it would come to £8.55. I am going to lose £8.55 out of my purse shortly, when I go to the Lush Shop to buy them! 

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed this, as it was a little different to our normal Lush Monday's, but it's always good to change things up a bit. 


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