Monday 2 September 2013

Lush: Dragons Egg Bath Ballistic Review! | Believe In Beauty


It's Monday, and that can only mean one thing, Lush review. Today I am going to be reviewing Dragons Egg, a Bath Ballistic that I was meant to review ages ago, but wanted to try it a few times, to get a good opinion on it. HERE is the link on the LUSH website, just in case you're interested. 
So here is Dragons Egg. It is a really big pale yellow/cream coloured Bath Ballistic, which is priced at £3.20, and smells really lovely. It smells quite citrusy, as it's featured ingredient is Lemon Oil, and it lingers on your skin afterwards, and in the Bathroom. You can see little colours of confetti on the outside of Dragons Egg, which get released into the Bath later on.  
First of all, Dragons Egg starts fizzing away releasing a creamy foamy fizz, instead of dissolving in the normal way you would expect a Bath Bomb to fizz. This creaminess made my skin feel really smooth. At this point, it also starts to release tiny circle bits of 'confetti', in all different colours, which are suppose to be the 'Dragons Scales'. Dragons Egg takes ages to fizz, which I actually like in a Bath Ballistic. 
As you get further into the Bath Ballistic, it starts releasing an orange colour, which starts to tint the Bath water a lovely bright yellowy/orange colour, and it's super pretty. In the center of the Bath Ballistic, there is a golden bit, where it starts to release lots of glitter into the water, making it look super pretty. A bonus of the glitter, is that it does not stick on your skin afterwards, as I personally hate that, but it sinks to the bottom, meaning you have to rinse it away afterwards.  

As you think the Bath Ballistic can't get any better, you then start to hear popping candy, which just pleased me the most. I do love a bit of popping candy. 

I was so happy with all the things the Dragons Egg does, it really does make such an exciting Bath. I don't mind paying the £3.20, (more of an expensive Bath Ballistic), as it does so many things in one Bath Ballistic. 

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed. See you next week, I wonder what the review will be on. (I don't even know yet!) 


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