Monday 16 September 2013

Lush: Think Pink Bath Ballistic Review! | Believe In Beauty


It's Monday, and it feels like I've not written a Lush review in a while, as I had pre-written last week's Lush review, whereas I'm actually writing today's review, today. Oooh, confusing! ;)

If you want to purchase Think Pink, click HERE on the LUSH website. 
 *I apologise for the blurry picture*. 

The Bath Ballistic, I have chosen to review today, is Think Pink Bath Ballistic. I used Think Pink last night, for the first time, and very much enjoyed it! First of all, the smell is amazing. It's a lovely, girly, sweet scent, with a featured ingredient of Tonka Absolute, which lingers on the skin afterwards. Also, when you're in the Bath, your skin feels so smooth, and when you get out afterwards, it's even smoother. The perfect remedy for dry skin. 
Think Pink doesn't do an awful lot, but it's really nice nonetheless. It's more of a simple Bath Ballistic. It straightaway fizzes, and it turns the Bath water, a really bright Pink, which is so girly and pretty! The flowers on top of the Bath Ballistic, are like a mini Bath Melt, so they just Melt away. 
However, out of Think Pink, comes Love Hearts! Loads and loads of tiny little confetti Love Hearts come out of Think Pink, and lie at the bottom of your Bath. These come in 3 different colours, a light Pink, dark Pink, and a medium shade of Pink, they are super cute.

The little Love Hearts, do leave a tiny bit of a pink residue, which you do need to scrub away afterwards. It's not easily moved either! 

So overall, I really enjoyed Think Pink, it fizzed into Pink Water, released tiny little Love Hearts, and had an amazing scent. Something I will definitely buy again. I wonder what next weeks review will be? The suspense! 

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. 


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