Tuesday 10 December 2013

Blogmas #10: Christmas TAG! | Believe In Beauty


It's Blogmas Day 10! The days are flying by. Today I am going to be doing a Christmas Tag that I found on vintagelovehearts Blog! I really liked the Questions, so thought I would do the actual Tag! Let's go...


1. Do you prefer a real Christmas tree or synthetic? 
Real! For the past couple of years we have had Fake trees as my Dog's were quite young, but we had a Real one last year, so hopefully we get a real one this year. They are just so much better as they look nicer and smell lovely. 

2. You're in a Coffee Shop, it's December, what do you pick?
Well, I know it's a 'Coffee Shop', but I don't like Coffee. So no matter where I am, I always get a Hot Chocolate, as they are my absolute favourite! I love it when they come with Cream and Marshmallows as well. 

3. What's your favourite Colour Scheme for Decorating the Tree?
We don't really have a  'Colour Scheme', but I love Red, Gold's and Greens the best! 

4. Giving or Receiving? 
Both! I love Giving Present's to my Family and Friends, but come on, who doesn't like receiving a present or two?! 

5. To Mince Pie or not to?
Not to, I hate them! I only like the Pastry, haha. 

6. What's your traditional Sunday Lunch?
I actually hate Roast Dinner, which is our traditional Sunday Lunch. But, we have like Chicken, Peas, Carrots, Broccoli, Roast Potatoes, Gravy, Yorkshire Puddings and Suede and stuff! 

7. Christmas day fashion?
I always want to look nice on Christmas Day. I normally wear Clothes I get on the actual Christmas Day. I think I will wear my Skater Skirt this year, or a nice dress. 

8. What's your favourite Christmas Song?
Literally any! I like everything. But I love 'All I want for Christmas is you', and stuff like that! 

9. What's your Favourite Christmas film?
Without a doubt 'The Greatest Store In The World', I absolutely love that film! I also like 'Elf' though. 

10. Open Presents before or after Lunch?
Before obviously! I open them as soon as I wake up. It's too exciting to wait.

So that's the TAG! I really hope you enjoyed it, it was fun to write. Thanks for reading and see you tomorrow for another exciting Christmas Themed Post!








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