Thursday 12 December 2013

Blogmas #12: My Christmas Day Routine! | Believe In Beauty


Today I am going to be talking you through my Christmas Day routine and what I get up too, so here goes!

I normally wake up earlyish, around like 8 or 9. I go downstairs and open my presents straight away and then we will have Breakfast. 

After Breakfast, I will go and get ready and just look through my Presents again and then normally my Nan and Grampy will come round. 

When my Nan and Grampy leave, we will then have a bit of time before Dinner just to chill out, relax, and watch a bit of TV. 
In the late afternoon, early evening we will have our yummy Christmas Dinner. After we've had the massive Dinner and lots of Pudding, we will just chill out and relax to let our Dinner go down. 

We then go to my other Nan and Grampy's house, to see the rest of my Family for a bit and we normally watch TV, have Snacks, play Board games and what not. 

So that's my Christmas Day routine! What's yours like? Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!


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