Thursday 19 December 2013

Blogmas #19: My Stockings! | Believe In Beauty


Today I am going to be showing you my Stockings and Sacks. The most exciting part of Christmas Eve is going down stairs and laying your Stockings/Sacks by the Fire Place knowing that when you wake up in the Morning they are going to be filled with festive goodies! I really like my Stocking and adore my Sack so I couldn't possibly not show you them! 
 This is my Stocking that I got the year I was born for Christmas! It is super cute and I love it to pieces. It's Red with a Green lining at the Top. It also has an adorable picture of Mickey Mouse on it and it looks like he has received a few presents. In my Stocking I get the little presents, like Sweets and mini stuff. I love my Stocking! 
 This is my Sack! It is quite big with a massive Santa's face on it. I love this, Santa's Cheeks are so squidgy...haha. It's really annoying though, Red Fluff always falls off of it...grr. In my Sack I receive the slightly larger Presents and I think this Sack was from Tesco's. Me and my Sister have the same Sack, but different stockings. I will show you hers next!
This is my Sister's stocking, which she got for Christmas the year she was born. As you can see, it is slightly larger than mine...favoritism? ;) Hers has got an adorable design on it though, it's got Minnie Mouse and she looks like she is doing some Carol singing with Snowmen! My Sister will also receive small presents, like Sweets and minis.  I'm not sure, but I believe both of our Stockings are from the Disney Store!  

Thanks for reading this Post and see you tomorrow for Blogmas Day 19! 


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