Tuesday 24 December 2013

Blogmas #24: CHRISTMAS EVE! | Believe In Beauty


So today it is Christmas Eve, and I didn't have a post planned, I just wanted to show you some Christmassy pictures and tell you about my day! Today I have been to the Cinema to see 'Frozen', (which was amazing!) and then to see my Great-Nan. Now I am about to start getting ready for bed, and then will hang up my stocking and sacks. 

In the pictures I'm about to show you are the Gingerbread House I decorated on Saturday, Mince Pies and Jam Tarts I made yesterday and a flower arrangement for the table that my Mum and Sister made...enjoy! 
 So they are all my Christmassy pictures! I hope you all had a great Christmas Eve and have a lovely Christmas Day tomorrow! I will be posting tomorrow, but for now...



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