Wednesday 11 December 2013

Blogmas #11: Christmas Cards! | Believe In Beauty


It's Blogmas Day 11! Today's topic: Christmas Cards! Who doesn't like recieving Christmas Cards? I love Christmas Cards! They are so cute, and I absolutely love displaying them every year. I love sitting down and writing out all my Christmas Cards, it just really excites me. Here are the ones I've brought this year. 
These are the 2 packs of Christmas Cards I opted for. The first pack has a 'Christmas Tree' on it and the second pack has a 'Robin' on a, 'Twig', and it looks really cute. They are both from the 'Card Factory', and they were only 99p, what a bargain! I can't wait to start writing these and handing them out! 

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. See you tomorrow, for Blogmas Day 12! 


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