Monday 16 December 2013

Blogmas #16: Lush: Bombardino Bath Ballistic Review! | Believe In Beauty


It's my 200th Post today and what better way to celebrate it then a Blogmas Post of a Christmas Lush Review! Today I am going to be reviewing 'Bombardino Bath Ballistic', which was new this year to the Christmas range! You can buy it HERE on the LUSH website.
Here is 'Bombardino Bath Ballistic'. Bombardino is an adorable 'Bath Ballistic' and is actually quite small. It is mainly Yellow, with a White head and real 'Chocolate Drop' Eyes. 'Bombardino' has a very strong smell, which is sweet and will linger on your Skin, I quite like it though. On the Lush website, it says its featured ingredient is 'Cardamom Oil', along with 'Sicilian Lemon Oil', and, 'Cocoa Butter'. 
As soon as you pop 'Bombardino' into the Bath it fizzes away very quickly, turning the Bath a bright Yellow colour, which is a love/hate thing. I think it's alright. However, the 'Chocolate Drop' Eyes don't really melt away, they just stay at the bottom of the Bath. The 'Cocoa-Butter', in the 'Bath Ballistic' floats stickily on the top of the Bath, and actually made my Skin very sticky which I did not enjoy. Afterwards, there was a tiny bit of a residue. 

For £2.50, I think it's alright. It's very cute, has a really nice smell, which makes you smell nice and also it tints the Bath water. I just wish it didn't make my Skin sticky, but I think it would be really good for people who have extremely dry skin! Also, it's a nightmare to clean afterwards, which is not good if you are lazy like me!

Thanks for reading Blogmas Day 16, and I'm sorry it's a little late, today has been hectic! See you tomorrow for more Blogmas fun!


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