Monday 2 December 2013

BLOGMAS #2: Lush: Cinders Bath Ballistic Review! | Believe In Beauty


It's Blogmas Day 2 and the Christmas Lush reviews have started! Today I am going to be reviewing 'Cinders Bath Ballistic', which you can buy HERE on the LUSH website. 
Cinders is a yellow, medium sized Bath Ballistic, with reddy/orange popping candy on the top of it. Cinder has a very unique scent, which is spicy and warm. It's featured ingredient is 'Cinnamon Leaf Oil', and is supposed to smell like Fruit Punch. The smell isn't too strong and it doesn't fill up the Bathroom either. However, it does linger on the Skin. 
Cinders fizzes away really quickly and turns the Bath Water a bright Yellow/light Orange colour. Whilst fizzing away, it is like a Firework display. The Popping Candy goes mad in the Bath and pops away every where with loud popping noises. It also makes your Skin feel so smooth afterwards! 

For £2.45, I think that is a great price. It has a lovely scent, tints the Bath Water, lingers on the Skin, leaves the Skin smooth and has Popping Candy in it. The Popping Candy just makes the Bath Bomb for me! 

Thanks for reading my first Christmas Lush Review and I hope you are enjoying Blogmas so far! 


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